July 3, 202
As I sit here this morning, reflecting, having done my daily writing, I am COMPLETELY filled with gratitude.
I am currently married to someone who sees ALL of my broken parts, ALL of my weaknesses and flaws, notices and recognizes every imperfections, and SHE LOVES ME ANYWAY.
I have been in MANY relationships throughout my life. I have been shattered, and struggled to put the pieces back together, feeling like I would never measure up, never be worthy. I believed all the lies I used to tell myself. It was so destructive. Once I began the difficult, important, inner work of learning the ART of self care, self love, self acceptance, and self appreciation, I began expanding into who I really AM, and who we ALL really ARE: LOVE.
The love I built up internally has been a daily, consistent practice for YEARS, and it keeps on expanding. It is BEAUTIFUL…and it wasn’t until I learned to LOVE MYSELF, that this beautiful wife of mine was attracted into my life. I LEARNED THATVIT IS TRUE THAT WE ATTRACT MORE OF WGO AND WHAT WE ARE.
Wise men and women over the centuries have taught that, WE ARE WHAT WE THINK ABOUT, and WE ATTRACT MORE OF THAT WHICH WE ARE, and WHAT WE FOCUS UPON EXPANDS.
When we learn to love and accept ourselves EXACTLY AS WE ARE, we know that WE ARE ENOUGH. We are ALL perfect, JUST THE WAY WE ARE, and we can never BE more than what we already are. Sure, we can DO more and HAVE more, but we really don’t need to BE anything other than that which we ALREADY ARE. Accepting, loving, appreciating, and caring for ourselves is the key that will unlock the door to TRUE LOVE in EVERY other area of our lives.
I’m so grateful to be with such an AMAZING, INCREDIBLE woman, who has consistently taught me that I AM ENOUGH, that I don’t have to be perfect to love myself, and that it is perfectly okay to BE who I am, regardless of the expectations, opinions, beliefs, or desires of EVERYONE else in this world. She continues to amaze and astound me, daily, as I watch her example of how to love oneself and detach from all else, in the knowledge that LOVE BEGETS LOVE, LOVE ATTRACTS MORE LOVE, and that LOVE is the answer to ALL questions.
I sincerely hope that we ALL can inspire one another to spread, feel, experience, and enjoy LOVE more abundantly in our daily lives, and begin to BE love, everywhere we go. THIS, I believe, is a good way to BE, and a great way to make this world, as well as our own, personal, unique, inner worlds, a MUCH more beautiful, inhabitable, sustainable place to live in.
I am going to say this, and I mean it. Once we learn to love OURSELVES, and detach from the need to be loved by OTHERS, we are on a path that will lead to nothing BUT being loved by others. When we want good treatment from others, all we need to focus on is truly treating OURSELVES well. When we desire to be respected, all we need to do is focus ENTIRELY upon respecting OURSELVES, and that which we focus upon consistently will continue to expand within our lives. ANYTHING we want from others can be provided for ourselves, BY ourselves, and when we learn to do this, we will already have all we need, yet MORE of those things will begin to POUR into our lives, like the floodgates of a large abundance dam have been busted open.
There is an ancient law, shared as scripture, that states: “Unto everyone that hath shall be given, and he shall have abundance; but from him that hath not, shall be taken away even that which he hath.” I always hated these words! They seemed so unfair! I get it now. Abundance starts within us, on a very personal level, and while we attract more of who and what we are, we become more of that thing, no matter what it is.
Beauty, TRUE beauty, comes from within, NOT from without, and is everlasting. It does not fade, but EXPANDS.
Thank you Carla Jones, for the beauty, LOVE, and grace you have shown me, and taught me, all along, to provide for myself, so that TOGETHER we can BE love. Thank you for marrying me. Thank you for choosing me, each and every day. Thank you for your patience, as I learn and grow, and thank you for doing these things WITH me, together. ❤️🥰
EVERYONE has SOMETHING to teach us, is we will but be still, let go, and listen, but REALLY, ALL that we seek is already within us ALL.
If you are, “ALONE,” or feeling lonely, you can choose to shift towards self love, and feeling whole and complete AS YOU ARE. We ALL feel alone and lonely, sometimes, because we forget who we are, and just how powerful we are. It is easy to do in a world filled with so many distractions, all aimed at programming us a certain way, to feel as if we are lacking something, which if we acquire we will be whole again.
When we ARE complete and whole, and we feel that way constantly, WITHOUT needing outside sources to validate us in any way, we emit and transmit a vibrational frequency, or a magnetic energy, that attract similar things, circumstances, situations and people into our lives, and effectively REPELS the opposite. WHAT WE FOCUS ON EXPANDS, because we are CONSTANTLY attracting that which we ARE into our lives. Want more love? BE LOVE. Want more acceptance? BE ACCEPTING. Want more happiness? BE HAPPINESS. Want to feel whole and complete? BE whole and complete by thinking, saying and doing MORE of that which makes you feel whole and complete.
“YOU COMPLETE ME” is total BS. EVERY ONE OF US is already complete. WE ARE WHAT WE THINK WE ARE.
I LOVED the lesson I learned from Elena Cardone, about never being a HALF of a WHOLE. You see, when I was growing up, society, religion, parents, and MANY misperceptions of great teachings, programmed most of us to think we are incomplete without a mate. We were taught to believe that we would only ever amount to 50% while living at our MAXIMUM potential, and the key to becoming WHOLE was to find someone ELSE, living at THEIR maximum potential, at a full 50%.
Elena said she learned that she could blow past that 50%, and BE a full 100%, ALL BY HERSELF. That consent blew my mind, but what she said NEXT, was PURE GOLD:
When you are operating at your full 100%, and you find SOMEONE ELSE, operating at THEIR full 100%, it doesn’t become addition, and you don’t begin to live a much more incredible life at 200%. WHEN YOU AND YOUR PARTNER ARE BOTH CHOOSING TO CONSISTENTLY OPERATE AT YOUR MAXIMUM POTENTIAL OF 100%, IT BECOMES A MILTIPLIER, and TOGETHER, 100 X 100, YOU BECOME 10,000%!
Love is a multiplier. Love expands EXPONENTIALLY. We don’t need to play small. We can have, AND WE DESERVE to have, so much more. When we choose to consistently BE that which we want more of, it expands. We attract more of it.
May we all BE LOVE, every moment, of every day.