Sometimes life gets busy. It can get distracting and complicated. It is incredibly useful to remember our daily routines we decided on for ourselves and get back to them. It is useful to remember why we put our daily, morning routine in place to begin with. It can be useful to remember our “why” and re-focus on our purpose or goals.
Remember the goals you made at the beginning of the year? Remember the changes you wanted to make and why you wanted to make them? Remember who you wanted to DO better for?
TODAY is the perfect day to review those things in our minds and to re-commit.
I have found that it is extremely helpful to do this with someone else. Research has shown that if we do something with someone who will check in with us and will agree to hold us accountable, it is more likely that we will accomplish the task(s) at hand. Makes sense.
If you think it might help, find someone who you can review your goals with weekly or monthly and ask them to do the same with you. My wife and I have a weekly check-in session on Sundays, and when we are consistent with this practice, it is INCREDIBLY empowering and helpful!
RECORDING and TRACKING our personal progress, and reviewing it daily, weekly, and monthly with ourself or our accountability coach is SO helpful.
Remembering to choose kindness over being right, as we practice our communication and accountability skills has proven useful.
Ask yourself:
What are my three most important goals?
Why do I have the goals in place? What is the purpose of those goals?
Ask someone:
Would you be willing to check in with me (however often you find it useful to you) to ask:
- What have you been doing consistently, each and every day to, work towards your goals?
- How much time have you been spending each day on your task(s) vs. how much time have you used in a wasteful manner?
- What is the reason you made these goals? WHO did you make them for?
I have also found it incredibly useful to create a daily check-in log, to keep track of the answers to these questions. It helps me to be more self-aware, and motivates me to make adjustments and recalibrate as needed.
Today I will find a “Goal Partner,” or an “Accountability Partner,” if I decide that is something that might motivate and empower me and allow me the opportunity to support and empower myself or someone else. I will review my goals with them and ask them to do the same with me. I will give support and receive support in an uplifting, effective, helpful manner.
The interview, featuring Amanda Nguyen, on Tom Bilyeu’s show, IMPACT THEORY, shares incredible insights on accomplishing MASSIVE goals, and gives great examples of many people who have done so.
goodinthehead is also on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and Twitter. The goodinthehead Podcast can be found on YouTube. Follow me there, as well, for daily messages, inspiration, motivation, and reminders. Please pay it forward, and share this, and ANY message, which may empower someone you love or may care about. It is through adding value to others by sharing and spreading wisdom, that we become more valuable as individuals, and collectively, as a whole, we all become wiser.
Remember: Mindset matters. Character counts. That which we choose to consistently focus on is what EXPANDS in our lives. WE CREATE our personal realities.
Amazing content Pete. It just keeps getting better and better!