After reading some content posted by Justine, I HAD to invite her to participate in the goodinthehead, online interview. I’m so grateful she agreed to contribute, and it is my hope that anyone who is interested to follow her on social media, or reach out to her on a personal level, will gain as much as I have!
Here is Justine’s interview:
- Can I get an outline, or a short biography of your life, with which I can introduce you ? (A brief history of your family of origin, where and how you grew up, what your mother and father and siblings were like.)
Hey Friends, my name is Justine Mader and I am so honored that you are taking a few minutes to get to know me and my story. I am the middle child of a large family. One of my fondest memories will always be the music we made together growing up, we all sang and played instruments. I grew up simply, in a rural area and was home-schooled with my siblings. We all got along for the most part. My father was strict and my mother had the most giving heart I’ve ever known. There are many hardships that have happened between my father and I. However, I never allowed it to sever our relationship. I am married with my own son and have much to be grateful for. I am pursuing a life where I become the best version of myself in life and business. I have committed to helping others do the same. I am a God fearing woman and will always put Him and family before all else. I am a kind, sweet lady that loves life and simply wants to make a difference in the world. So, I am starting with me.
- What is your current age?
- Where have you lived?
I was born and raised in Minnesota. Lived here all my life and love this state of all four seasons.
- What were the most important things you learned during your childhood and earlier years that helped you later in life?
I learned many vital lessons growing up and would love to share a few. At the top of the list I would say that I learned to live my life by my priorities, such as faith and morals, standing up for what I believe honors God. I was given the opportunity to develop a strong work ethic and autonomy to learn.I was taught that we all have gifts and talents and life is best when we are blessing others. Coming from a large family we never had much but we had enough to share and lots of love to give.
- What were some challenges or disabilities you experienced and what did you gain or benefit from living with and through these?
I was home-schooled, that was very different for people to see and hear about. My education was different compared to many and had its challenges of course but I would not have changed it. There was the stigma of being home-schooled and the assumption that I would struggle in the ‘real’ world. Yes, I did have to learn some things by doing once I went to college but I did amazing! I contributed to the school as a student, as a senate leader and part of the admissions office right out of high school. In fact, I did this as a high school senior. I thrived and those around me did as well. So the challenge of learning new communication with others is actually one of my greatest strengths.
- What are the practices which you have implemented into your life, which are difficult that have built credibility with yourself and improved your self-esteem?
I have a very strict commitment to myself that I will always be a dependable, I always am a woman of my word. Because of my responsibility in this regard not only am I credible to myself but I am also that way for others. The key is you have to show up committed for yourself first and hold yourself accountable before you can expect others to. My self-esteem and confidence comes from the knowledge that my integrity is solid and honest. I have nothing to hide or fear.
- What were your biggest failures/mistakes in life, and what did you learn from them?
I am always failing, in the sense that I am always learning. Truly, failures are lessons and there is no other way to look at them. My greatest mistake would probably be me allowing others to rock my world due to emotions. I care and trust people. I have learned to guard that and create better boundaries and also be more aware of my emotions and acknowledge them but not be ruled by them.
- Where is your favorite place you have ever been and why?
Easy, Maui, HI! I was there on my honeymoon and would go back in a heartbeat. I loved the new experience, which really was like a new life beginning. In Maui, a cool fact I learned was that most of their plants and what not were imported from other places. Together, everything was beautiful and unique. I compare this to my life as well. I am striving to learn and piece myself together with all the amazing traits and qualities of others. God made my soul and blessed me to be more. I am completely unique and beautiful.
- What is your educational background?
I am a proud home-school graduate (Our Lady of Fatima Catholic Home school) and honors graduate of SCTCC. I pursued my college degree and am currently a Licenced Dental Assistant.
- What jobs/employment have you had?
The typical high school nanny/babysitter was where I started, loved the time I had with the kids! Went to college and started out in the call center and admissions office. Working with fellow students and growing with them was an amazing experience, was grateful for the team that was a huge part of my journey. I got a job as a LDA before I even graduated college which was super exciting and worked for that practice until I had my son this year. Which was the most fulfilling and why? I think each job had its merit, but the one thing that I feel is consistent with all of them is that I was serving others, caring for people. I am a giver, a listener, a lover of people. My heart was most full when I was volunteering at dental operations for those who could not afford dental care. (Mission of Mercy, Operation Grace)
- When you feel frustrated, angry, or out of control, what do you do to quickly and effectively return to your baseline emotion? (How do you, “Self-soothe”?)
Breathe, slow and steady, deep and strong. I repeat things to myself such as, this is going to pass, this is happening for me, I can do this, and I pray.
- If you were to believe in the idea of PRONOIA, and believed that the Universe has conspired on your behalf, EACH AND EVERY MOMENT of your entire life, what moments would prove this belief to be true?
I believe that God does everything on our behalf and believe that moments happen all the time based on what He needs us to do, learn, or recall. Such as the fact that in moments of doubt, He brings a sign, a conversation, a person, something along that shows me that I am on the right track. The answer to a prayer. It is not always the answer that I prayed for, but has always been in my best interest. That is why He is God and I am not.
- What is a long-lasting, sustainable contribution you would like to make that lasts long after you are gone, and you do you want it to affect?
I would like to leave a legacy, a legacy that blesses God in life and business. One were my life encouraged others to give and love as He did. One where people are inspired when they were in doubt. I want to prove that there is still good in this world because God is within our souls. I want this to affect everyone, everywhere, young and old, because my message is not for just some, it is for all.
- What are the principles and core beliefs you base your decisions and your life upon?
My faith, I am a Traditional Catholic and I live according to the commandments of the Church. I believe that we are one person in all things, we all have the power to create a better future, there is no limit to God’s blessings or grace in our life. Are there any principles or core beliefs that you altered/improved over the years, as you grew, progressed, and improved? (Old beliefs that didn’t serve you/were harmful vs. New beliefs which benefited you and those around you a great deal.) I have grown as an individual in many ways and I would say that I was raised judging others without realizing it, and now I ask, I am open to hearing others and disagreeing politely.
- Do you have a morning routine which you adhere to in order to, “Prime your pump,” and empower yourself to be a better, more grounded, centered, focused version of yourself for the day?
Yes and no. As a young mother, I do not always get my morning routine, I have had to create my own version of things that help me be focused and ready to dominate. It usually happens but not always in order. Learning that flexibility is ok and part of this season in my life has been a great lesson as well.
- What are your favorite 3 quotes and why?
‘Preach always, if necessary use words. St Francis’, My life is a testament. Proverbs 31, the woman I am becoming. ‘Let your smile change the world; don’t let the world change your smile’, I have always believed in the power of a simple smile and it is a free gift to any soul.
- Do you have a book list of your favorite, most helpful books?
I have many favorite books, top one is the bible, followed by many business books and life books. What are the books on your list and what were the most important points from each one? To many to list, but I think the common thing that I appreciate is that they are all written by other humans that have gone through the same things that I do, fear, pain, doubt, joy, happiness.
- Who were the most important influential people in your life so far? Who do you consider your mentors? (This can be someone in your life or someone you have never met.)
Jennifer Allwood is a huge mentor and coach for me in life and business
- What will your 90-year-old self be most proud of?
I would be most proud of the fact that I tried things, I did not settle for the what if, I did things, and if one door closed I moved to the next one to discover God’s will in becoming the best version of myself.
- From where do you derive your value and self-worth from the most, and where would you advise a younger version of yourself to look for such things?
It all starts with a relationship with God. Trusting Him even when things look uncertain, He knows. I am His child, He died for me, I am loved. I have a great family, human yes, but they love me. I am a product of my life experiences and am the only one like me, that is pretty priceless.
- Who or what has been the biggest, most helpful contributors to your life?
My husband has made me whole. I am who I am because of his love and support and don’t even want to think about life without him.
- What have been the most helpful and effective healing tools, which have helped you the most in your own, personal, unique healing journey?
I have had things to heal from, definitely and I think the best thing has been prayer, having a confidant that understands me and my situation. Forgiveness. It is so freeing to forgive others, especially those who are closest to you. Remembering that I am loved and that love conquers all.
- Is there anything I have not asked you that you would like to share that you believe could benefit others?
I would add that your story is important, someone needs you to show up and speak up, they are waiting for you. You will have an impact on others in a way no one else can. Please do not fail them. This is what drives me to show up, even when I am tempted to doubt, I trust, I know others need me, And if the need me, they need you.
- What do you believe is the purpose of your life?
The purpose of my life is the same as yours, we are called to know, love and serve God. How we live out our purpose is another thought. I was given a love of people, I have been given many talents that others do not have. I believe the purpose of my life is to spend my life utilizing my talents to help others to become the best version of themselves in life and business.
- What is your main wish/desire for the loved ones in your life?
To live their best life blessing God and each other. I desire a life of freedom and opportunity. I will always encourage them to be the person God is calling them to be.
- If presented with an opportunity to make a truly sustainable and lasting difference in this world, what would this offer look like, and how would you contribute to its advancement?
I am living the life of opportunity and showing up consistently. God has His way of running things and I know that by doing my part of giving, and helping others grow, I in turn will grow and gain. What are you currently doing to create this reality and manifest its existence into a reality? I am daily showing up and acting in ways that would help me achieve my goals and dreams. Consistency is key. Being ready is vital, because you do not know when the opportunities will arise but I am ready. There will always be more lives to touch, more people that need help, so the dream is never complete.