This life is full of things that make us feel uncomfortable. There are things that cause us stress and anxiety. The more we practice doing things that may make us feel uncomfortable the easier they become. Public speaking, reading out loud in class, doing things that make us feel vulnerable, and even leaving the house while having a difficult day are all things that may cause us discomfort.
What makes you feel uncomfortable?
In the movie, “The Accountant.” the main character is noise and sound sensitive, so as a part of his daily ritual he locks himself in a room, plays uncomfortably loud music, turns on a strobe light, and works at desensitizing himself to that which makes him uncomfortable. He searches himself to find his weaknesses, and makes them into strengths.
We can do the same.
Seek out discomfort. It’s a difficult thing to do, but overcoming the difficult things will help us, strengthen us and empower us to add more value to our lives and the lives of everyone around us.
It is WHAT WE BECOME, and what skills we acquire throughout the navigation of difficulties that empowers us to be more effective creators of our personal realities within this human experience.
Remember: A life of ease breeds weakness. Discomfort, difficulties, and challenges make us stronger and more adaptable. To experience anything is to understand and appreciate it’s opposite more fully. Experiencing the contrasts of life is the gift of life! It allows us to learn and do better, always expanding and upgrading every aspect of the human experience.
Experiencing contrasting experiences and experiential learning are one of the greatest gifts of this human life. This life is the ULTIMATE Virtual Reality experience.
Do the difficult things first. All the other things on your to do list that you do throughout the day will keep getting easier to do. Doing the difficult things first motivates us and ensures we get more done by the end of the day. It builds credibility with our self and elevates our level of self-confidence and skill set.
One of the most important upgrades we can perpetuate is the upgrade of our SELF IDENTITY.
The book, PSYCHO-CYBERNETICS, by Maxwell Maltz, is an EXCELLENT guide in upgrading the Self Identity and a wonderful place to start. I sincerely wish I had discovered this book much earlier in life.
Just because we experience opposition, difficulties, discomforts, and hardships, IT DOES NOT MEAN WE HAVE TO SUFFER. We can STILL remain satisfied and appreciative, knowing the Universe was designed from the beginning to conspire on our behalf, having faith and an inner knowing that ALL things are unfolding for OUR benefit, while simultaneously unfolding perfectly for the greater good of the collective whole.
Today’s challenge for myself: Today I will do something, no matter how big or small, that is uncomfortable for me.
goodinthehead is also on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and Twitter. Follow me there, as well, for daily messages, inspiration, motivation, and reminders. Please pay it forward, and share this, and ANY message, which may empower someone you love or may care about. It is through adding value to others by sharing and spreading wisdom, that we become more valuable as individuals, and collectively, as a whole, we all become wiser.
Remember: Mindset matters. Character counts. That which we choose to consistently focus on is what EXPANDS in our lives. WE CREATE our personal realities.
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