May 17: Take A Chance

“You can fail at what you don’t want, so you might as well take a chance on doing what you love.”  -Jim Carrey

What do YOU love?  What do you want MORE of in YOUR life?  What EXACTLY would it take to make that happen?


Today I will take a chance on doing something I love.

goodinthehead is also on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and Twitter.  The goodinthehead Podcast can be found on YouTube.  Follow me there, as well, for daily messages, inspiration, motivation, and reminders.  Please pay it forward, and share this, and ANY message, which may empower someone you love or may care about.  It is through adding value to others by sharing and spreading wisdom, that we become more valuable as individuals, and collectively, as a whole, we all become wiser.

Remember:  Mindset matters.  Character counts.  That which we choose to consistently focus on is what EXPANDS in our lives.  WE CREATE our personal realities.

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