As humans, we are not measured by our intentions. We are measured by our results.
Intentions matter, but actions and results matter even more.
Thinking about doing something and actually doing something are two, completely different things.
I thought about beginning to write for years, but it wasn’t until I started to do it consistently, and made it a DAILY HABIT, that ideas began to form and words began to appear on paper. My life began to change and progress for the better because of taking massive action. Even though I write in hopes of sharing something empowering with others, what I write about ends up benefiting me much more than it may ever benefit others, because it results in more self-awareness, an up-leveling in critical thinking, and a sense of peace. The writing I do results in a DAILY PERSPECTIVE SHIFT. IT LIGHTS ME UP, and energizes me, every time I do it.
I used to think about changing my diet and beginning to work out again. I intended to do it for years. Sometimes I couldn’t even walk because of bulging or ruptured discs in my back. It wasn’t until I did it consistently and made it a DAILY HABIT, that my health improved and I lost weight. My back didn’t just get better-it healed completely. After suffering for over 20 years, I no longer suffer from continuous bulging or ruptured discs.
I used to write down goals and intend to complete them, but it wasn’t until I did it consistently and made it a DAILY HABIT, that I began to see progress and improvement in my life and the lives of those around me. I had to take action in order to enjoy the benefits and rewards of actually achieving the goals I wrote down.
The most rewarding and enjoyable benefit that came from all of this massive action wasn’t an improved self-image, a much more lean and healthy body, or a sharper and more useful, healthy mind. The most rewarding and enjoyable benefit came when my three sons witnessed the changes in habits and the results, and wanted the same habits and results I was experiencing FOR THEMSELVES. They wanted IN.
The actions we take, or don’t take, will not only constantly re-create OUR personal reality, but will empower or disempower OTHERS to do the same, for generations to come.
The ripple effects that come from ALL of us last FOREVER.
One of my favorite teachings is,
NOW is the only moment that TRULY matters.
In the real world, it’s a numbers game. Metrics are useful, and for that reason they are important. We need to be able to measure our results and see the improvements. We need to see the progress and growth to realize and appreciate the momentum. We need to celebrate the successes and work harder on improving our failures. Constant improvement and progression are important not only at work, but much more so in our personal lives, where it really matters.
Today I will make a list of all of my good intentions. I will pick the most important ones and get started on them. Today, I will take action.
goodinthehead is also on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and Twitter. Follow me there, as well, for daily messages, inspiration, motivation, and reminders. Please pay it forward, and share any message which may empower someone you love or may care about. It is through adding value to others by sharing and spreading wisdom, that we become more valuable as individuals, and collectively, as a whole, we all become wiser.
Remember: Mindset matters. Character counts. That which we choose to consistently focus on is what EXPANDS in our lives. WE CREATE our realities.
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