April 17: Only 6 Months Left To Live

If you were told today that you had six months left to live, how would you react?  How would you choose to live your remaining 6 months?  What would you do?  Who would you spend your time with?  What would you focus on?  Where would you go?  Which things on your bucket list would you make it a priority to complete?

What if you found out you had only one day left to live?  Who would you spend that day with?  What thoughts would you think?  What words would you speak?  What actions would you choose to take?

Every day we wake up and walk out the door, it very well could be the last day we live.  Can you imagine putting all of your energy and power and love into each moment of each day, one day at a time, as though it were your very last day here on this earth?  How would your priorities change?  What are some activities you would add to your day if it were going to be your last, to make it the best, most productive, enjoyable, incredible day you possibly could?  How would your mood and demeanor be while saying goodbye to your loved ones, each time you walked out the door to go do something?

We can choose to treat each day as if it could be our last.

We can remember to express to our people that we love and appreciate them.  We can choose to be careful how we react in EVERY situation, and realize our loved ones will remember our last day, and their last moments with us, with clarity, over and over again in their minds.

Reminder to self:

What is the last memory you wish others to have of you and how you made them feel?  Each day is a gift.  Remember this and treat it as such.  Live each moment to the fullest, with as much joy, love, kindness, acceptance, appreciation, gratitude, positivity, forgiveness, and good energy, as you possibly can.  Even if you fall short of your own desires and targets, you will know you put your all into it at the end of each day, and surely you will have no regrets.

Go to bed each day physically and mentally exhausted, having thought, said, and done EVERYTHING that day as if it were your last.  Make your life beautiful, meaningful, purpose-filled, and amazing.  Make it the way you and those around you deserve it to be.

Design your day before you expand into it.

We can choose to continuously be purposefully engaged in creating the most beautiful day we possibly can, each and every day.  Or, we can choose to live life by default, and simply react to what the day brings, being tossed about on the stormy seas of life as though we are a small and helpless ship.


Today I will live this day as though it were my last day on earth, in this human experience, and make every moment count.

goodinthehead is also on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and Twitter.  Follow me there, as well, for daily messages, inspiration, motivation, and reminders.  Please pay it forward, and share this, and ANY message, which may empower someone you love or may care about.  It is through adding value to others by sharing and spreading wisdom, that we become more valuable as individuals, and collectively, as a whole, we all become wiser.

Remember:  Mindset matters.  Character counts.  That which we choose to consistently focus on is what EXPANDS in our lives.  WE CREATE our personal realities.

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