Years ago, I began to realize how important it is to focus on better things in my everyday life. I began saving quotes off of Pintrest and Facebook and off of the internet, and putting them into my favorites folder on my phone and reviewing them every day while I ate breakfast. It was a great, mind-altering, mood-stabilizing experience that consistently changed me each day for the better.
These days, I also listen to inspiring content from YouTube as I get ready for the day. I found it so enjoyable, that I started waking up earlier to be able to listen to more content. I find great speakers and inspirational talks on Ted Talks that I enjoy, and YouTube suggests other people, speakers, and recorded talks by those with similar interests and things to say. I choose what I listen to every day for 45 minutes as I dress, eat, pack a lunch and prepare for the day, which reminds me, teaches me, and motivates me to be a better version of myself. I choose what I listen to by design. I choose wisely what I program my mind with each morning, and this consistent, purposeful practice has forever altered the trajectory of my life.
45 minutes a day, for only five days a week, adds up to 225 minutes a week. In a year’s time, that adds up to 11,700 minutes, or 195 hours. Can you imagine what a person could learn in 195 hours?!
Reminder to self: The more value you add to your lives and the lives of others, the more valuable you become. This life is meant to be lived on purpose. It is our daily choices, our focus, and our consistency, that truly matters. Balance also matters. A bow that is always strung loses the ability to shoot arrows with intensity and accuracy. The mind is the same. We all need breaks and rest from intensity. Do the important things first. Rest, when needed, then get back to it!
Consistency creates a conversion and a convergence of circumstances and situations that will serve and save us. It will seem as though things begin to just work out magically, and the stars begin to align, as everything works out in our favor, but through our daily, consistent practices and habits, we actually become more reliable, predictable, and dependable. As a co-conspirator, or a co-creator, the Universe knows better how to conspire on our behalf.
Consistency is a tool of creation. To create and practice even MORE consistency, and to become even MORE reliable, predictable, and dependable, a solid, useful, effective, and helpful morning routine can be the ONE thing that changes and improves it all.
Today I will choose something to listen to, read, or watch, on purpose, with the clear intent to learn, rather than simply be mindlessly entertained, which will motivate and inspire me towards accomplishing what I WANT to, within a three-year period. I know my time is limited and precious, and I will consistently practice strategies that empower me to choose to spend it wisely.
Some of the most incredible content I have come across about the topic of morning routines has come to me through Robin Sharma, Ed Mylett, and Hal Elrod, all of who have been guests on Tom Bilyeu’s YouTube show, IMPACT THEORY. Another incredible source of content that has empowered me to forever alter my life experience is Jim Rohn. I highly recommend plugging these names into YouTube and google, and researching each of these individuals. WE CANNOT BE WHAT WE CANNOT SEE, and these individuals have provided a vision of what we can become, through discipline, desire, and hard work.
goodinthehead also on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and Twitter. Follow me there, as well, for daily messages, inspiration, motivation, and reminders. Please pay it forward, and share this, and ANY message, which may empower someone you love or may care about. It is through adding value to others by sharing and spreading wisdom, that we become more valuable as individuals, and collectively, as a whole, we all become wiser.
Remember: Mindset matters. Character counts. That which we choose to consistently focus on is what EXPANDS in our lives. WE CREATE our personal realities.
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