We can’t do much for ourselves or for others if we don’t feel good. We ALL have the need and the capacity and ability to heal. For some, it is easier than others. Learning how to heal is one of the most important things we can learn how to do in this life. It is also one of the most important tools we can pass along to those we love. Even if you never once need any of this information, it is guaranteed that if you have this information in your personal arsenal you will add value to others with it, eventually. You may literally save someone’s life by sharing it.
Physical healing from illnesses and diseases, mental or emotional healing from traumatic experiences or prolonged, repeated abuse, spiritual healing from a mis-perception in a belief systems or personal philosophy, healing needed from personal difficulties, or the inability to understand things which cause us pain, are all things which can cause us to need to heal. The healing process can be one of the most difficult, heart-wrenching, painful, processes of our entire life, but once started, it quickly can become the biggest blessing we will ever experience.
I’ve come across some videos that have helped me to learn how to practice healing and I wanted to share them. I hope they will help you learn how to practice healing and how to teach others to heal, as well. Please share this post with anyone and everyone you know that could benefit from any kind of healing.
Healing is a lifelong process and practice. We all experience pain and trauma and loss. Because of this, we are forever in, “Recovery.” The earlier we learn how to practice healing, the better. Life throws many reasons at us to learn how to recover and heal. The more effective we are at healing and recovery, the better off we will be. The better off others around us will also be. Just as damaged people tend to damage others, healed people experiencing and practicing recovery tend to heal others and help them recover.
Are you ready to start healing? This is some of the knowledge and wisdom I’ve researched and been lucky enough to come across. I hope it benefits you as much as it has benefited me.
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