Month 7
The Commitment to Upgrading The Power of The Inner Environment.
Upgrading our own, personal INNER ENVIRONMENT is an incredibly useful practice. It is something that we can do at ANY time throughout the day, and the results include more peace, serenity, light, love, energy, love, enjoyment, and an outward manifestation in the physical world of the inner environment we create.
WHATEVER WE CAN SEE WE CAN BE. The things we focus upon and think about within, on a consistent or continual basis, are usually the things that manifest in our lives. WE are ALL vibrational energies that constantly emit a vibration that is congruent to the way we feel. How we feel is usually dictated by the meanings and definitions we attach to the things we are experiencing and interacting with through the senses of our human bodies. Our thoughts determine our feelings, and how we feel plays a role in the quality of the continuation of our thoughts. When it comes to thoughts and feelings, it’s all about momentum created by our chosen topic we are focused upon. WE are in control of what we choose to focus on.
This month’s alarm or re-focusing prompt is:
When we upgrade the perceptions, beliefs, perspectives, and chosen definitions and meanings we each attach to all that is happening around us, each and every moment throughout the day’s experience, we see things and translate the constant feedback and information coming at us in an upgraded way, thereby vibrating at a higher level, and attracting completely different people, things, circumstances, situations, and life experiences. The enjoyment of the outer world we experience while in these bodies is predicated upon the inner environment we create. We tend to see things AS WE ARE, rather than as THEY are. We are the projectors of our perceived realities.
By now, you have probably come across this beautiful truth by Jim Rohn:
For things to change, YOU have to change. For things to get better, YOU have to get better. For things to improve, YOU have to improve. When YOU grow, EVERYTHING in your life grows with you.
This month, we will be deep-diving into the research, learning, and habituating practices that will empower us to further upgrade THE POWER OF THE INNER ENVIRONMENT. It is my hope that your participation in this month will result in a personal inner environment that can only manifest the beautiful results that you desire and deserve into your personal, physical reality.
Self-Evaluation time. Write down your answers to these questions, and be as open, honest, and descriptive as you possibly can.
On a scale of one to ten, how would you rate your current inner environment? Why? What improvements do you think would be beneficial in upgrading and enjoying a more beneficial, useful, and effective inner environment?
How judgmental and critical are you towards others? Is there anyone that comes to mind that triggers within you feelings of anger, hatred, bitterness, contempt, or rage? Why?
What upgrades are necessary to take place within your inner environment in order for you to begin creating and manifesting the most beautiful and enjoyable version of YOUR idea of the best, possible reality you can imagine?
Project yourself into the future five years from now. If you were to have created the most incredible, beautiful, enjoyable, and optimal personal reality, WHAT EXACTLY DOES IT LOOK LIKE FOR YOU? As you imagine and visualize all of the many details of this reality, how do you feel? Be as detailed as possible, dream BIG, and imagine ALL that you desire having already happened.
Reverse-engineer your life down to the day, and answer this question: No BS, what would it take on a daily basis for you to accomplish this lifestyle in the next five years? What are the habits you would need to practice? What are the exact skills you would need to acquire? What are the beliefs and perspectives about YOURSELF that you think would be most helpful in making these dreams come true and become a reality?
Now for the most important question: ARE YOU WILLING TO COMMIT TO DOING THESE THINGS FOR THE NEXT FIVE YEARS TO SEE WHAT YOU CAN CREATE? What are your biggest fears that are currently keeping you from committing to this five-year project? What excuses do you have for not even trying? What are ways you can overcome these fears and alleviate these excuses from your life, ENTIRELY? Who has accomplished what you desire to create, already? What are ALL the ways you can learn from THEM about manifesting and creating the personal reality you desire?
EVERYTHING we are experiencing in our physical world is 100% OUR choice, and 100% OUR responsibility. Either we created it, or we are continuing to allow it to happen to us. WHAT WE ALLOW, WE GET MORE OF, AND WE DESERVE MORE OF WHAT WE TOLLERATE. When we choose to accept full responsibility for our personal realities, we assume all the power to recreate it ANY way WE want it.
When we make it a daily habit, from moment-to-moment throughout each day to ONLY focus upon and give attention to what WE want, rather that allowing the distractions of what ANYONE else wants, we begin to recognize MASSIVE changes within our reality. The vibrations we emit are created by what we choose to focus upon and think about, and when we focus upon and think about ONLY what we DO want to create, and NEVER upon what we DON’T want to experience more of, EVERYTHING begins to unfold FOR us, almost as if by magic.
Abraham teaches through Esther Hicks: Focus upon thoughts that make you feel good, which will attract others and others and others and others and others…until your vibrational frequency will rise to the place that your Inner Being can fully envelop you.
That which we want more of in our lives is MEANT to be a LIFE-LONG PRACTICE. It is okay to be imperfect at the process, all along the way! OUR BEST IS GOOD ENOUGH. It is useful to accept, love, and appreciate yourself EXACTLY AS AND WHERE YOU ARE in the process, all along the way.
Con Miguel Ruiz teaches, “THE FOURTH AGREEMENT: ALWAYS do your best. Your best is going to change from moment to moment; it will be different when you are healthy as opposed to sick. Under ANY circumstance, simply do your best, and you will avoid SELF-JUDGMENT, SELF-ABUSE AND REGRET.”
Try feeling how it feels as you read the following about CONSCIOUSNESS. Does it resonate with you?
If it is true that consciousness informs itself through its creations, and if it is true that our actual identity IS consciousness, and that we create with every thought, word, and action, then isn’t it a BRILLIANT plan for consciousness to have inserted itself into TRILLIONS of “separate” physical entities and lives within a virtual, physical construct in order to experience life through TRILLIONS of different perspectives, SIMULTANEOUSLY?
How important is it, then, to be completely authentic, different, and unique? From this perspective, being a follower of any ONE belief, group, way of thinking, or choosing to conform in ANY way would be INCREDIBLY counter-productive. As consciousness, temporarily inhabiting a human body to have a human experience, I think it is useful to remember to BE A UNIQUE and ORIGINAL INDIVIDUAL, and to be unapologetic, unashamed, and proud of our differences.
BE HAPPY BEING YOU. Be the best you that you can be. Always be upgrading. Always be learning and practicing what you learn. Choose to experiment with as many different ways of being that interest you or that you are attracted to. EXPERIENCE as MANY situations, circumstances, people, things, and lives as you possibly can, within this one lifetime.
Maybe the secret to quickening the limitless expansion of the collective whole isn’t conformity to only ONE way of being and thinking, and convincing others to strive to be just like us, but rather in EMBRACING OUR DIFFERENCES, and in allowing, accepting, appreciating, and loving UNCONDITIONALLY, ALL THAT IS, AS IT IS.
Are you able to see yourself from this perspective? What does it mean to you to read the words,
Can you choose to remind yourself to see yourself from THIS perspective, each and every day for the next month, as you continuously learn and practice upgrading your own inner environment?
These are a few of the alarms I set to go off on my phone throughout the day as reminders, which is another extremely helpful practice:
Today I will accept ALL THAT IS as PERFECT, and exactly as is NEEDS to be, and I AM GRATEFUL FOR ALL OF IT.
I will accept all I do today as MY BEST, knowing that as I continue to consistently do my best, my best will consistently get better.
What do I love and appreciate about myself today? What did I do today that makes me proud of ME?
Try these things out for yourself over the next month. Set the alarms. Expend the energy on THESE things, rather than some of the things no serving you in the purposeful intentions you have to upgrade your inner environment, and by so doing, effortlessly and quickly upgrading your physical reality.
Below are recommended books, podcasts, and sources of information I have found to be useful in the constant upgrading process area of LOVE RELATIONSHIPS.
STRESS LESS, ACCOMPLISH MORE, by Emily Fletcher. This is the book that finally convinced me to begin meditating. I highly recommend you buy the audio version and listen to it at least once a year.
ALTERED TRAITS, by Daniel Goleman and Richard J. Davidson. This book is about how science reveals how meditation actually changes and alters the mind, the brain, and the body.
Today’s Date: _____/_____/______
One thing I will do today to improve my own, inner environment:
My FAVORITE quote of the day related to upgrading or improving my inner environment:
Today I will listen to at least ONE piece of content regarding improving the inner environment.
10 minutes of silence.
What did I LOVE about today? What do I love MOST about my inner environment today?
What did I learn today from the content I listened to or read about improving my inner environment?
What do I most appreciate about myself today?
Did I complete ALL of today’s tasks? YES____ NO_____
Today’s Date: _____/_____/______
One thing I will do today to improve my own, inner environment:
My FAVORITE quote of the day related to upgrading or improving my inner environment:
Today I will listen to at least ONE piece of content regarding improving the inner environment.
10 minutes of silence.
What did I LOVE about today? What do I love MOST about my inner environment today?
What did I learn today from the content I listened to or read about improving my inner environment?
What do I most appreciate about myself today?
Did I complete ALL of today’s tasks? YES____ NO_____
Today’s Date: _____/_____/______
One thing I will do today to improve my own, inner environment:
My FAVORITE quote of the day related to upgrading or improving my inner environment:
Today I will listen to at least ONE piece of content regarding improving the inner environment.
10 minutes of silence.
What did I LOVE about today? What do I love MOST about my inner environment today?
What did I learn today from the content I listened to or read about improving my inner environment?
What do I most appreciate about myself today?
Did I complete ALL of today’s tasks? YES____ NO_____
Today’s Date: _____/_____/______
One thing I will do today to improve my own, inner environment:
My FAVORITE quote of the day related to upgrading or improving my inner environment:
Today I will listen to at least ONE piece of content regarding improving the inner environment.
10 minutes of silence.
What did I LOVE about today? What do I love MOST about my inner environment today?
What did I learn today from the content I listened to or read about improving my inner environment?
What do I most appreciate about myself today?
Did I complete ALL of today’s tasks? YES____ NO_____
Today’s Date: _____/_____/______
One thing I will do today to improve my own, inner environment:
My FAVORITE quote of the day related to upgrading or improving my inner environment:
Today I will listen to at least ONE piece of content regarding improving the inner environment.
10 minutes of silence.
What did I LOVE about today? What do I love MOST about my inner environment today?
What did I learn today from the content I listened to or read about improving my inner environment?
What do I most appreciate about myself today?
Did I complete ALL of today’s tasks? YES____ NO_____
Today’s Date: _____/_____/______
One thing I will do today to improve my own, inner environment:
My FAVORITE quote of the day related to upgrading or improving my inner environment:
Today I will listen to at least ONE piece of content regarding improving the inner environment.
10 minutes of silence.
What did I LOVE about today? What do I love MOST about my inner environment today?
What did I learn today from the content I listened to or read about improving my inner environment?
What do I most appreciate about myself today?
Did I complete ALL of today’s tasks? YES____ NO_____
Today’s Date: _____/_____/______
One thing I will do today to improve my own, inner environment:
My FAVORITE quote of the day related to upgrading or improving my inner environment:
Today I will listen to at least ONE piece of content regarding improving the inner environment.
10 minutes of silence.
What did I LOVE about today? What do I love MOST about my inner environment today?
What did I learn today from the content I listened to or read about improving my inner environment?
What do I most appreciate about myself today?
Did I complete ALL of today’s tasks? YES____ NO_____
Today’s Date: _____/_____/______
One thing I will do today to improve my own, inner environment:
My FAVORITE quote of the day related to upgrading or improving my inner environment:
Today I will listen to at least ONE piece of content regarding improving the inner environment.
10 minutes of silence.
What did I LOVE about today? What do I love MOST about my inner environment today?
What did I learn today from the content I listened to or read about improving my inner environment?
What do I most appreciate about myself today?
Did I complete ALL of today’s tasks? YES____ NO_____
Today’s Date: _____/_____/______
One thing I will do today to improve my own, inner environment:
My FAVORITE quote of the day related to upgrading or improving my inner environment:
Today I will listen to at least ONE piece of content regarding improving the inner environment.
10 minutes of silence.
What did I LOVE about today? What do I love MOST about my inner environment today?
What did I learn today from the content I listened to or read about improving my inner environment?
What do I most appreciate about myself today?
Did I complete ALL of today’s tasks? YES____ NO_____
Today’s Date: _____/_____/______
One thing I will do today to improve my own, inner environment:
My FAVORITE quote of the day related to upgrading or improving my inner environment:
Today I will listen to at least ONE piece of content regarding improving the inner environment.
10 minutes of silence.
What did I LOVE about today? What do I love MOST about my inner environment today?
What did I learn today from the content I listened to or read about improving my inner environment?
What do I most appreciate about myself today?
Did I complete ALL of today’s tasks? YES____ NO_____
Today’s Date: _____/_____/______
One thing I will do today to improve my own, inner environment:
My FAVORITE quote of the day related to upgrading or improving my inner environment:
Today I will listen to at least ONE piece of content regarding improving the inner environment.
10 minutes of silence.
What did I LOVE about today? What do I love MOST about my inner environment today?
What did I learn today from the content I listened to or read about improving my inner environment?
What do I most appreciate about myself today?
Did I complete ALL of today’s tasks? YES____ NO_____
Today’s Date: _____/_____/______
One thing I will do today to improve my own, inner environment:
My FAVORITE quote of the day related to upgrading or improving my inner environment:
Today I will listen to at least ONE piece of content regarding improving the inner environment.
10 minutes of silence.
What did I LOVE about today? What do I love MOST about my inner environment today?
What did I learn today from the content I listened to or read about improving my inner environment?
What do I most appreciate about myself today?
Did I complete ALL of today’s tasks? YES____ NO_____
Today’s Date: _____/_____/______
One thing I will do today to improve my own, inner environment:
My FAVORITE quote of the day related to upgrading or improving my inner environment:
Today I will listen to at least ONE piece of content regarding improving the inner environment.
10 minutes of silence.
What did I LOVE about today? What do I love MOST about my inner environment today?
What did I learn today from the content I listened to or read about improving my inner environment?
What do I most appreciate about myself today?
Did I complete ALL of today’s tasks? YES____ NO_____
Today’s Date: _____/_____/______
One thing I will do today to improve my own, inner environment:
My FAVORITE quote of the day related to upgrading or improving my inner environment:
Today I will listen to at least ONE piece of content regarding improving the inner environment.
10 minutes of silence.
What did I LOVE about today? What do I love MOST about my inner environment today?
What did I learn today from the content I listened to or read about improving my inner environment?
What do I most appreciate about myself today?
Did I complete ALL of today’s tasks? YES____ NO_____
Today’s Date: _____/_____/______
One thing I will do today to improve my own, inner environment:
My FAVORITE quote of the day related to upgrading or improving my inner environment:
Today I will listen to at least ONE piece of content regarding improving the inner environment.
10 minutes of silence.
What did I LOVE about today? What do I love MOST about my inner environment today?
What did I learn today from the content I listened to or read about improving my inner environment?
What do I most appreciate about myself today?
Did I complete ALL of today’s tasks? YES____ NO_____
Today’s Date: _____/_____/______
One thing I will do today to improve my own, inner environment:
My FAVORITE quote of the day related to upgrading or improving my inner environment:
Today I will listen to at least ONE piece of content regarding improving the inner environment.
10 minutes of silence.
What did I LOVE about today? What do I love MOST about my inner environment today?
What did I learn today from the content I listened to or read about improving my inner environment?
What do I most appreciate about myself today?
Did I complete ALL of today’s tasks? YES____ NO_____
Today’s Date: _____/_____/______
One thing I will do today to improve my own, inner environment:
My FAVORITE quote of the day related to upgrading or improving my inner environment:
Today I will listen to at least ONE piece of content regarding improving the inner environment.
10 minutes of silence.
What did I LOVE about today? What do I love MOST about my inner environment today?
What did I learn today from the content I listened to or read about improving my inner environment?
What do I most appreciate about myself today?
Did I complete ALL of today’s tasks? YES____ NO_____
Today’s Date: _____/_____/______
One thing I will do today to improve my own, inner environment:
My FAVORITE quote of the day related to upgrading or improving my inner environment:
Today I will listen to at least ONE piece of content regarding improving the inner environment.
10 minutes of silence.
What did I LOVE about today? What do I love MOST about my inner environment today?
What did I learn today from the content I listened to or read about improving my inner environment?
What do I most appreciate about myself today?
Did I complete ALL of today’s tasks? YES____ NO_____
Today’s Date: _____/_____/______
One thing I will do today to improve my own, inner environment:
My FAVORITE quote of the day related to upgrading or improving my inner environment:
Today I will listen to at least ONE piece of content regarding improving the inner environment.
10 minutes of silence.
What did I LOVE about today? What do I love MOST about my inner environment today?
What did I learn today from the content I listened to or read about improving my inner environment?
What do I most appreciate about myself today?
Did I complete ALL of today’s tasks? YES____ NO_____
Today’s Date: _____/_____/______
One thing I will do today to improve my own, inner environment:
My FAVORITE quote of the day related to upgrading or improving my inner environment:
Today I will listen to at least ONE piece of content regarding improving the inner environment.
10 minutes of silence.
What did I LOVE about today? What do I love MOST about my inner environment today?
What did I learn today from the content I listened to or read about improving my inner environment?
What do I most appreciate about myself today?
Did I complete ALL of today’s tasks? YES____ NO_____
Today’s Date: _____/_____/______
One thing I will do today to improve my own, inner environment:
My FAVORITE quote of the day related to upgrading or improving my inner environment:
Today I will listen to at least ONE piece of content regarding improving the inner environment.
10 minutes of silence.
What did I LOVE about today? What do I love MOST about my inner environment today?
What did I learn today from the content I listened to or read about improving my inner environment?
What do I most appreciate about myself today?
Did I complete ALL of today’s tasks? YES____ NO_____
Today’s Date: _____/_____/______
One thing I will do today to improve my own, inner environment:
My FAVORITE quote of the day related to upgrading or improving my inner environment:
Today I will listen to at least ONE piece of content regarding improving the inner environment.
10 minutes of silence.
What did I LOVE about today? What do I love MOST about my inner environment today?
What did I learn today from the content I listened to or read about improving my inner environment?
What do I most appreciate about myself today?
Did I complete ALL of today’s tasks? YES____ NO_____
Today’s Date: _____/_____/______
One thing I will do today to improve my own, inner environment:
My FAVORITE quote of the day related to upgrading or improving my inner environment:
Today I will listen to at least ONE piece of content regarding improving the inner environment.
10 minutes of silence.
What did I LOVE about today? What do I love MOST about my inner environment today?
What did I learn today from the content I listened to or read about improving my inner environment?
What do I most appreciate about myself today?
Did I complete ALL of today’s tasks? YES____ NO_____
Today’s Date: _____/_____/______
One thing I will do today to improve my own, inner environment:
My FAVORITE quote of the day related to upgrading or improving my inner environment:
Today I will listen to at least ONE piece of content regarding improving the inner environment.
10 minutes of silence.
What did I LOVE about today? What do I love MOST about my inner environment today?
What did I learn today from the content I listened to or read about improving my inner environment?
What do I most appreciate about myself today?
Did I complete ALL of today’s tasks? YES____ NO_____
Today’s Date: _____/_____/______
One thing I will do today to improve my own, inner environment:
My FAVORITE quote of the day related to upgrading or improving my inner environment:
Today I will listen to at least ONE piece of content regarding improving the inner environment.
10 minutes of silence.
What did I LOVE about today? What do I love MOST about my inner environment today?
What did I learn today from the content I listened to or read about improving my inner environment?
What do I most appreciate about myself today?
Did I complete ALL of today’s tasks? YES____ NO_____
Today’s Date: _____/_____/______
One thing I will do today to improve my own, inner environment:
My FAVORITE quote of the day related to upgrading or improving my inner environment:
Today I will listen to at least ONE piece of content regarding improving the inner environment.
10 minutes of silence.
What did I LOVE about today? What do I love MOST about my inner environment today?
What did I learn today from the content I listened to or read about improving my inner environment?
What do I most appreciate about myself today?
Did I complete ALL of today’s tasks? YES____ NO_____
Today’s Date: _____/_____/______
One thing I will do today to improve my own, inner environment:
My FAVORITE quote of the day related to upgrading or improving my inner environment:
Today I will listen to at least ONE piece of content regarding improving the inner environment.
10 minutes of silence.
What did I LOVE about today? What do I love MOST about my inner environment today?
What did I learn today from the content I listened to or read about improving my inner environment?
What do I most appreciate about myself today?
Did I complete ALL of today’s tasks? YES____ NO_____
Today’s Date: _____/_____/______
One thing I will do today to improve my own, inner environment:
My FAVORITE quote of the day related to upgrading or improving my inner environment:
Today I will listen to at least ONE piece of content regarding improving the inner environment.
10 minutes of silence.
What did I LOVE about today? What do I love MOST about my inner environment today?
What did I learn today from the content I listened to or read about improving my inner environment?
What do I most appreciate about myself today?
Did I complete ALL of today’s tasks? YES____ NO_____
Today’s Date: _____/_____/______
One thing I will do today to improve my own, inner environment:
My FAVORITE quote of the day related to upgrading or improving my inner environment:
Today I will listen to at least ONE piece of content regarding improving the inner environment.
10 minutes of silence.
What did I LOVE about today? What do I love MOST about my inner environment today?
What did I learn today from the content I listened to or read about improving my inner environment?
What do I most appreciate about myself today?
Did I complete ALL of today’s tasks? YES____ NO_____
Today’s Date: _____/_____/______
One thing I will do today to improve my own, inner environment:
My FAVORITE quote of the day related to upgrading or improving my inner environment:
Today I will listen to at least ONE piece of content regarding improving the inner environment.
10 minutes of silence.
What did I LOVE about today? What do I love MOST about my inner environment today?
What did I learn today from the content I listened to or read about improving my inner environment?
What do I most appreciate about myself today?
Did I complete ALL of today’s tasks? YES____ NO_____
GREAT JOB. YOU HAVE COMPLETED THE SEVENTH MONTH OF THIS WORKBOOK! What differences have you noticed within yourself, in the ways you now choose to interact with others, and in your inner environment? The differences and changes may be incredibly subtle, and hard to recognize, as the practices you have been learning about and implementing may be new, but the longer and more consistently we do ANYTHING, the easier that thing gets, and the more quickly we recognize the shifts within us, the ways we interact with everyone and everything, and the results we enjoy.
Time for a quick SELF-ASSESMENT.
What one thing did I learn about this last month that MOST helped me to create a more optimal inner environment?
What was my favorite moment in this last month that helped me to remember WHAT I am, as I continued to work towards upgrading the WHO I identify as in my human body?
What were my top three, favorite quotes that I came across this last month while researching how to upgrade my inner environment?
I LOVE YOU. That may sound strange, and we may not know one another in human form, but if someone can HATE another for no reason at all, I am certainly entitle to LOVE another for no reason at all, other than the fact that it is possible that I AM you, and YOU are ME, in our truest form, as CONSCIOUSNESS, simply temporarily infused into separate physical bodies for a short while, soon to be reunited in love and light.
PEACE and COMFORT be with you, as you continue to upgrade your, “SELF.” You are INCREDIBLE. Keep going. Keep doing what you are doing! LIMITLESS EXPANSION is what we were made and meant for. You are doing it! Enjoy the moment as you realize how amazing you truly are. Be PROUD of how far you have come, all you have learned and practiced, and how you have chosen to connect with and interact with everyone and everything within your life, so far. BE EXCITED for what it coming, because as you continue the work you are doing, the situations, circumstances, people, things, and events that will be MOST empowering for you in the creation process will continue to come at you faster and faster as you consistently re-focus and re-align, reconnecting with your true self through your inner environment and gaining more and more momentum.
EVERYTHING AFFECTS EVERYTHING, and all you are thinking, speaking, and doing is CREATING everything that you enjoy and love so much.