Only A Half Of A Whole

At my very best, I will only ever be able to become 50%.  I was created to become a half of something whole.

In my youth, my young, inexperienced mind perceived this as a true teaching I was being raised with.  I adopted it as my truth and as a real belief in my own, personal belief system.  It was a major part of my personal philosophy for the first 42 years of my life.  I brought this “truth” into every relationship I ever had.  I looked to others to complete me, believing that if I were to become that 50% and was with someone else who was at 50%, together we would make 100%, and that would be the best we could ever be.

I replaced this belief/philosophy with a new one:  It is my job to become my very best at 100%.  My life is 100% my responsibility.  Nobody else is in charge of my happiness, contentedness, health, mindset, or any other aspect of my life.  It is nobody’s job to save me or complete me.  I must become whole and complete on my own.

Later, after working hard to become whole on my own and adopting a new set of beliefs/philosophies, my life became better.  I realized that 100+100=200.  That is much better than 50+50=100!  Imagine a life in which the results, happiness, meaning, and purpose doubles!  It was then I realized that at my best, if I were to meet someone else at their best, together we could become 200%.

This turned out to also be a false belief.  While I did believed it, however, the quality of women I began to look at changed.  My perspectives changed.  My rules and expectations and boundaries changed.  As I progressed and improved my mindset/beliefs/philosophies, I wanted to surround myself with like-minded people.  As I did, my life became exponentially better.  I realized that being around certain people wasn’t addition.  It was a multiplier.  When I was blessed to start a relationship with a woman who was trying to be her best at 100% as I was, I realized that we were not going to equal out to 200% together.  Being with her has been a multiplier in my life, and her 100% 100% from me has become 10,000%!

The belief/philosophy of 100+100=200 has now been replaced with it is better to have 100X100=10,000.  I credit this idea to the wife of Grant Cardone.  I first heard of it in an interview featuring them as a power couple.  Here is that interview if you are interested:

Environment matters!  Ed Mylett explains how the experience of being around people who are at a higher level than us is like being in a room with a higher temperature.  When we are cold, it is desirous and beneficial for us to warm up.  In order to do so, we have to raise the thermostat.  The way we do this in life is to surround ourselves with people who are warmer than us.

Beliefs work the same way.  At any time in our life we can raise the thermostat and live in a totally different environment.

Isn’t it interesting how a belief we cling to and hold on to can harm and hurt us for decades?  It’s crazy how we can suffer needlessly for years in severe emotional and mental pain because of how we perceive a belief or a philosophy we have adopted into our lives.  The opposite is also true.  If our personal belief system and our personal philosophy has been well thought-out and adhered to, it can benefit us a great deal!

There came a time in my life when I realized some of my personal beliefs and philosophies I had been living my entire life by weren’t benefiting me as much as they could.  With this realization, I went to work.  I rolled up my sleeves and made a line down the middle of a piece of paper and under the title, “Old Beliefs,” I wrote down all of my beliefs and philosophies.  Slowly, over the span of months, I then wrote down new beliefs and philosophies on the other side of the paper and labelled them, “New Beliefs.”  I wanted to adopt new, beneficial beliefs and philosophies into my life which would be more beneficial, make more sense to me, and add value to my life and to the lives of those around me.  The more I worked on this, the more things seemed to fall into place for me.  I became happier.  I became healthier.  I became less stressed out.  I began to enjoy my life so much more.

 It is my job to become my very best at 100%.  My life is 100% my responsibility.  Nobody else is in charge of my happiness, contentedness, health, mindset, or any other aspect of my life.  It is nobody’s job to save me or complete me.  I must become whole and complete on my own.

Every day we are blessed or lucky enough to wake up just one more time is an opportunity to create a small, incremental improvement in our mindset/belief system/personal philosophy.  How many more days are you going to wake up before your life is over?

Will you look back on your last day and be proud of what you created?  What are you doing every day to create the version of yourself you want to eventually become?  What are you doing every single day to create the exact life you want?


Talk is cheap.  The road to hell is paved with good intentions.  Take action.


Consistency is the KEY.

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