MY Daily Check-In, Visualization Practice, and Affirmative I AM list:

It is important to note that this list is to be considered as a project which is ALWAYS a work in progress. I began this practice, and updating this personal, written product regularly, in 2018. It started out as a very short list of goals, questions, and only a few I AM affirmations.


  • Did you complete your morning routine?
  • Did you try to help someone who had no desire to be helped?
  • Did you work out?
  • Did you do something to improve the website?
  • Did you listen to life-optimization content?
  • Did you compliment someone?
  • Did you make $200 at work?
  • Did you make $500 through the website?
  • Did you witness something which caused awe, and inspired you?
  • Did you laugh?
  • What hooked me into a reaction today? 

What we appreciate, APPRECIATES.  What do you appreciate about yourself today?  Why are you proud of yourself today?

What did you LOVE about today?

What did you learn, or what were you reminded of, today?

EACH DAY IS A BATTLE TO BE WON IN THE WAR OF LIFE.  Do you feel like you won today?

WE GET MORE OF WHAT WE TOLERATE, AND WE DESERVE WHAT WE ALLOW.  Remember to have strong and healthy boundaries.  REPETITION IS KEY.


Think about what your life will look like by the age of 55, if you answer yes to all of the questions above, every day.  Where will you live?  Who will you be?  What does your house look like?  What car are you driving?  Where will you travel?  Who will you be working with and empowering the most?  What will you be doing to connect with and empower others?  How much do you have to give?  What will you give?

See others coming to you for help, hope, empowerment, encouragement, and advice.  Connect with others on a deep, meaningful, spiritual level, as you share love, kindness, and healing energy.  See the vibrational energies within you constantly, consistently growing, as you share this energy, and give it to others.

See your body healing rapidly.  Watch in awe as your body and mind heal exponentially more quickly.  See the energy flow and pulsate through your brain and body, healing and strengthening every part of your physical body.  With each breath in, healing energies flow through you, in entirety.  With each breath out, you exhale all illness, weakness, anger, sadness, and stress, until ALL you exhale are healing energies, which are quickly and efficiently spread to others.

See the website gaining followers, and sharers, exponentially.  See people awakened by the words they read, the things they hear, and the videos they watch.  Envision them engulfed in excitement as they are exposed to new, helpful, effective tools, that empower them to heal, help, and save THEMSELVES.  See yourself conversing with all of your mentors, sharing your story, and all of the many tools you have learned about throughout your life journey, to share with others, and to aid them in their own, self-healing, life-optimization, rituals, routines and habits.

See your mind growing in strength, endurance, and connections, as you continue to research, read, write, and listen to wise, amazing, helpful, content-providers.  See the neurons fire together and wire together, grow together, and strengthen continuously and exponentially with each passing moment.  See your intelligence growing.  See your vocabulary expanding.  See your memory continue to improve.  See your effectiveness expand and spread, empowering more and more people.  See your knowledge growing, allowing you to empower others to HELP THEMSELVES more effectively and efficiently every day.  See this knowledge vibrate and pulsate as a growing energy, which attracts more and more knowledge, more and more energy, and more like-minded souls.

See yourself genuinely and honestly complementing the beneficial, valuable, contributing characteristics of others, with ease and consistency.  See them paying it forward and doing the same for others.  See the expansion of light, love, and positive, healing energies, created through this consistent practice. 

Envision wealth.  See money being attracted to you.  Envision an over-abundant lifestyle, with an overabundance of financial wealth, to use to take family and friends on trips, provide for many educations, optimize healthy living, and to live a much longer, much higher quality lifestyle.  See yourself buying homes for cash, and renting out section 8 housing to single parents.  See the happiness and smiles of the children being raised in safe, healthy environments.  See the tenants becoming inspired and motivated to improve and progress, each and every day.  Envision their happiness spreading from their minds and into their lives, as they plant gardens, paint picket fences out front, and play in the nearby park with their children.  See yourself purchasing entire neighborhoods, creating safe, empowering environments for everyone you possibly can.  See the happiness, joy, good health, and safety everyone enjoys.  See neighborhoods just like Sunshine Acres growing, expanding, lifting up the spirits of young ones as they grow up happy and healthy.  Enjoy the ever-growing vision, manifesting in the physical realm as love, generosity, understanding, acceptance, patience, and gratitude!

See MILLIONS of people expanding their minds and increasing their energy and vibrational frequencies through your website each month.  See yourself contributing to others, which they then also do, as they create a higher frequency from an upgrade in beliefs, make better choices, create more abundance in EVERY area of their lives, and enjoy a more fulfilling, meaningful, purpose-filled life.

See yourself remaining calm, centered and grounded in EVERY situation.  See yourself choosing NOT to emotionally overreact in ANY way, no matter the situation, as you practice empathy, compassion, appreciation, patience, acceptance, understanding, love, and kindness.  See your complete wholeness and energy expanding, always and forever.  Feel your body, mind, and soul being energized continuously as you live a fulfilling, connected, amazing life of light and love.  IDENTIFY AS LOVE.

Envision the smiling faces of your loved ones.



I compose my OWN vibrations.  I embrace my power to feed ONLY the feelings I want to consistently experience.  I am the composer of my inner harmony.

I AM ENOUGH.  I am a pillar of strength.  I am grounded.  I am centered, always.  I am fit and wealthy in ALL areas of my life.  I am confident.  I am capable.  I am open, honest, and transparent.  I am highly intelligent.  I am consistent.  I am constantly being energized and I am constantly healing.  I am constantly, HEALING.  I am a source healing for others.  I am persistent.  I am respectfully defiant.  I question everything.  I am disciplined.  I learn quickly and remember everything.  I make important connections, which solidify in my mind immediately, to later be shared as wisdom at the perfect time for others to benefit the most from.  I am personally accountable and responsible.  I am an excellent communicator and entertainer.  I am in control of my mind and of my destiny.  I am a creator.  I am generous.  I am giving.  I am a source of strength and inspiration for others.  It is easy for me to connect with others in a deep, meaningful, memorable way.  I am financially responsible.  I am wise.  I am more and more financially independent, every day.  I feel things deeply, and I love that about myself.  I am an influential, impactful, inspirational writer and speaker.  I am an INFLUENCER.  I am PERFECT, just the way I am, and I am getting even better, each and every day.  I am a deep thinker.  I am a DOER.  I make excellent decisions.  I believe in my ability to figure out ANYTHING.  EVERYTHING IS FIGURE-OUTABLE.  I am unapologetically unique and authentic.  I am, and always will be, a WORK IN PROGRESS.  I am reliable.  I am dependable.  I can handle ANYTHING, and I will.  I am supported.  I am supportive.  I am a gift to myself and the Universe.  I am relentless.  I am committed.  I am interesting BECAUSE I am INTERESTED.  I am goodinthehead.  I am HEALED.  I am complete.  I am whole.  I am powerful.  I am SECURE.  I am constantly healing and empowering others to do the same.  I am successful in EVERY area of my life, and as I continue to work at it, I can be every MORE successful in every area of my life.  I am capable of quickly gaining understanding and skills in ANY situation.  I am ENERGIZED in my knowledge that my work is impactful, helpful, and empowering to others who need it, want it, seek it out, and will SHARE IT WITH OTHERS. 


As you sleep, ruminate upon and construct ideas for solutions to what is bothering or frustrating you.  Be at peace, KNOWING that the perfect ideas and solutions will come at the perfect time.  Relax your mind.  Be at ease.  Allow the flow of SOURCE to access everything within you, constantly healing and upgrading all beliefs and perspectives in empowering ways which you may not yet even be aware of.  Let go and let be.  ALLOW all that is to be exactly as it is in this moment as PERFECTION.  No judgements.  No criticisms.  Love yourself and all that is EXACTLY AS IS.  There is no need for you, anything or anyone to change in ANY way, in order to be loved even more by you.  I AM LOVING AWARENESS.  I AM LOVING THE AWARENESS.  I AM LOVE.

One Reply to “MY Daily Check-In, Visualization Practice, and Affirmative I AM list:”

  1. I have been going through the same problem and I thank God for He is gracious and faithful to affirm me again in faith I have been seeing a therapist for awhile about issues of being very disappointed with who I am. I became a Christian around age 12, but have carried a lot of negative baggage throughout my life (I am 43 now). My therapist recommended that I find affirming scriptures and read them to myself often and daily. I feel like a fraud reading these sometimes because I don t see myself as God says He sees me. But I am trying. So thank you for posting these all together as a list. I am anxious to get started and see how God changes my perspective of who I really am.

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