October 15: Success

The definition of EASY, according to Jim Rohn, is, “something I can do.”  That IS easy.

The difference between success and failure is consistent action.  Doing things is easy.  Not doing things is also easy.  What we do is within our control.  What we do is entirely up to us.  We are the creators and manifestors of our own lives. 

Earl Nightingale teaches,

“The key to success, AND the key to failure, is this:  WE BECOME WHAT WE THINK ABOUT.”

We are all blessed with 24 hours each day.  What can we do today, to make the most of this next 24 hours?

“Success isn’t the result of making money.  Making money is the result of success!”  -Earl Nightingale

We all have different definitions as to what success means for US, personally.  As we experience this life, learn new things, and interact with The Self and others, our definition changes and improves.  We are ALWAYS UPGRADING.  My current, most valued definition of personal success comes from Peter Crone: “One of the highest achievements we can work towards in this life is to remain at peace amidst the turmoil and the chaos.”  I have learned that through the daily practices of meditation, yoga, and certain breathing exercises, this achievement is available for ANYONE.

One of the key habits to becoming successful in an easy, natural way, is through practicing gratitude and appreciation.  It seems almost TOO easy and simple to be so effective, but it truly does work!  The opposite of gratitude and appreciation is complaining.  The best presentation I have ever come across regarding complaining, what it is, why we do it, how it harms us and those around us, and how to replace this habit with a new one, was called, “Will Bowen-A Complaint Free World.”  This presentation can be found on YouTube, and is perfect for all ages.  I highly recommend watching it with your children, if you are a parent, or with a group of friends, after a good, home-cooked meal.

Today I will review my goals and strategy for my own personal success and improvement, and more importantly:  I will take consistent action.  I know that by taking small, incremental, consistent, seemingly meaningless steps, that I will eventually reach the top of ANY staircase I choose to go up.


goodinthehead is also on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and Twitter.  Follow me there, as well, for daily messages, inspiration, motivation, and reminders.  Please pay it forward, and share this, and ANY message, which may empower someone you love or may care about.  It is through adding value to others by sharing and spreading wisdom, that we become more valuable as individuals, and collectively, as a whole, we all become wiser.  

Remember:  Mindset matters.  Character counts.  That which we choose to consistently focus on is what EXPANDS in our lives.  WE CREATE our realities.

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