When we consistently do our best, our best consistently gets better.

This life was never meant to be about perfection.  This life is all about PROGRESS.  “Perfect” individuals never learn or grow.

As children, most of us are told to always do our best.  This is great advice!  If we continuously do our best, no matter what it is that we are doing, we will continue to grow and improve into a progressively better, ever-expanding version of our self.  We will add value to our lives and the lives of those around us.  In so doing, life becomes even more meaningful and fulfilling.

Anything worth thinking is worth thinking well.

Anything worth saying is worth saying well.

Anything worth doing is worth doing well.

In the book, THE FOUR AGREEMENTS, by don Miguel Ruiz, the last of the four agreements is, ALWAYS DO YOUR BEST.  This book explains how and why, with the wisdom of generations of wise, knowing people.  I highly recommend this book.


Today I will think my best thoughts, speak my best words, and do my best at everything I do.  I will remember that as I consistently do my best, my best consistently gets better.

One of the most empowering interviews I have ever seen was given by Tom Bilyeu, on his YouTube show, Impact Theory.  It featured Carol Dweck.  Her book, MINDSET, is one of my favorite books of all time.

goodinthehead is also on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and Twitter.  Follow me there, as well, for daily messages, inspiration, motivation, and reminders.  Please pay it forward, and share any message which may empower someone you love or may care about.  It is through adding value to others by sharing and spreading wisdom, that we become more valuable as individuals, and collectively, as a whole, we all become wiser.

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