Aren’t these human bodies INCREDIBLE? It is amazing to know what we DO know, and there is still SO MUCH information about these human bodies that we get to discover EVERY DAY.

Scientists and researchers all around the world work CONSTANTLY in an effort to learn more, discovering the limitless ways is which we can optimize EVERY aspect of our PERSONAL Human Existence, as well as how we can COLLECTIVELY, AS A WHOLE, optimize this Human Experience for EVERYONE.

There are limitless ways to view the human body, and as we upgrade our perspectives of our bodies, and choose to see in in different, useful ways, we automatically-WITHOUT EFFORT-also upgrade our enjoyment and fulfillment levels within our personal reality, which CONSTANTLY contributes to the overall re-creation of all that is, in an energetic, spiritual, and physical ways.

EVERY THOUGHT, WORD, and ACTION INSTANTLY CREATES, sending waves in patterns that have been discovered and can now be detected through technological advancements. ALL of that which is created, or is constantly being RE-CREATED, correlates with the thought patterns, speech patterns, and actions WE CHOOSE. This can be an empowering truth to discover and experiment with, that WE are the creators of this physical, energetic, and virtual reality that we are constantly interacting with through these amazing bodies and that WE ARE IN CHARGE OF THIS HUMAN EXPERIENCE.

FEELING DEFEATED? Re-read this last paragraph for a reminder.

FEELING HOPELESS? Re-visit these truths as often as possible, even if it means setting alarms throughout the day to remind yourself of WHAT you TRULY ARE, as you continue to work towards upgrading the WHO you identify as while in this particular human body.

I have been doing it for a few years now, and it is SUPER useful as a person practice to set alarms throughout the day as a reminder of all I DO want to create, and all I DO want to focus on, think about, energize, and manifest even MORE of.


Imagine, for a moment, with your eyes closed, the four sides of a pyramid. In your mind’s eye, produce a flat space on top of this pyramid, and place upon it a lighthouse. Within this lighthouse, imagine a generator, which must be tended to DAILY, in order to recharge the batteries next to it in order to operate effectively throughout each night, keeping the ships safe, that would surely be dashed upon the cliffs without the presence of this pyramid and the lighthouse atop of it, lit well enough and shining brightly enough to produce fair warning to anyone or anything that comes within a hundred miles of it.

Let us even go as far to say that because of your lighthouse you have created, and the INCREDIBLY bright light produced from within it that shines and it emitted and transmitted from within, that ALL THAT IS, is eventually touched and affected by it, forever altering the trajectory of ALL THAT IS in ways that produce ripple-effects and realities FAR more optimized through the beauty, luminescence, and brightness of this lighthouse only YOU could have constructed and produced in your mind’s eye.

Commit to this lighthouse and the pyramid underneath it. Can you see just HOW MUCH GOOD you are doing through projection and transmission of this beautiful and powerful light? YOU created this image through which you are reaching and altering ALL THAT IS, right here and right now.

A keystone is defined as a central stone at the summit of an arch, locking the whole together. It can also be defined as the central principle or part of a policy, system, etc., on which all else depends. For example, “cooperation remains the keystone of the government’s security policy. It is the one thing that holds EVERYTHING else together. Depicted below is a visual example of a keystone within an arch, which if removed would destroy the entire arch:

Imagine that the four sides of the pyramid supporting your lighthouse you constructed atop of it is PERFECTLY constructed with steps, leading anyone who wants to visit your lighthouse from the very bottom to the very top. Anyone that wants to reach that lighthouse has some work ahead of them, depending upon how high your pyramid is. Let’s get FANCY with our creation and make the pyramid of SOLID GOLD, and INCREDIBLY heavy. Each of the four sides to your pyramid are perfectly symmetrical, and the inside of the pyramid is hallow, seemingly empty. Any defect within each of these four sides would render the pyramid ineffective and would topple the pyramid INSTANTLY. Thus, we can conclude the IMPORTANCE of the construction, the symmetry, and the alignment and balance put into each side.







A MAJOR part to my personal recovery and healing process has been to practice compassion for myself and others, and constantly letting go of the need to judge EVERYTHING, while comparing my strengths to the weaknesses of others in order to view myself as “better than” or “more than.” It has been a destructive, habitual, life-long pattern I have been caught up in to fill the void and emptiness created by strong feelings of inadequacy and worthlessness, created by ME, when I was a child.

At that young age, just like everyone does, I did the best I could to attach meanings and definitions to everything I was learning. Many times, I mis-perceived what my parents and others were saying or trying to teach me, and these mid-perceptions became the programs from which I created my personal reality, for DECADES to come. My beliefs, perceptions, and perspectives DAMAGED me and the relationships I had with others for YEARS, but I learned a LOT, and for that I am extremely grateful.

I created a project for everyone interested called, MY DAILY PERSPECTIVE SHIFT. You can Google it, or click the link below. It is an incredibly empowering daily practice, and it has forever altered the trajectory of my life, as well as the quality of my relationships and the results I experience. I wish you well on your journey, and I sincerely hope you consider taking on this project as a personal challenge. The upgrades are LIMITLESS. ❤️🙌🙏



I think it is possible that the thoughts and words we project onto the food we eat ACTIVATES within it that which coincides with how we feel about and how we see our relationship to ALL that we ingest…

WHAT WE THINK and WHAT WE SPEAK alters the chemical cocktail that is CONSTANTLY being released into our bloodstream and pumped throughout our ENTIRE body within just TWO PUMPS of the heart.

These chemicals dictate the feelings we feel, which charge the bodies energy fields in correlating ways, constantly emitting and transmitting vibrations outward into the Universe, where these vibrational energies play and interact, attracting ONLY the similarly charged energies, which our bodies then constantly receive at the cellular level, INSTANTANEOUSLY.

The thoughts we think become the words we speak, and we constantly cast energetic spells into ALL THAT IS, as we interact with ALL things, in EVERY MOMENT.

The key to successful healing, successful creation, and successful living, all begins with what we choose to THINK, on a continual basis.

MOMENTUM is decided by US.

In which trajectory will you direct YOUR momentum today?

Remember to BLESS THE FOOD AND DRINK you are about to ingest. ACTIVATE the creative and healing properties within it BEFORE you put it into your body, and as it interacts with a positive, powerful, empowering, abundant, healthy chemistry you created within yourself through your consistently positive THINKING PATTERNS, it will be FURTHER activated, to ONLY heal, protect, and bless you…

IS IT TOO LATE? I don’t think so…

What in the world will it take?

When people consistently do what is ONLY in THEIR best interest, and NEVER in the best interest of the collective whole, it leads to problems, corruption, division, suffering for the majority, and a continuation and perpetuation of laws being passed by a corrupt and broken system that will ONLY serve those in control.

If we do not re-unify, stand together, and figure out something BETTER for EVERYONE, instead of just what is currently acceptable because it has been continuously programmed into us from birth, we are doomed.

We get more of what we tolerate, and we DESERVE more of what we allow.

WE are to blame for these current set of circumstances. WE are in charge of making it better. WE are to blame for everything going wrong in the world because WE CHOSE TO BELIEVE THE LIES THAT HAVE BEEN DESTROYING THIS ECONOMY AND THE LIVES OF MILLIONS FOR YEARS.

MILLIONS are STARVING TO DEATH each year. There is plenty for everyone, but the very few at the top of the current economic pyramid scheme keeps it out of the hands of those who need it most.

There HAS to be a better way…

There is SO MUCH information out there. FAR more MIS-information exists. WHAT IS THE TRUTH?!? What are the BEST sources of ACTUAL truth?

I say we start taking a look at those whose credibility has been most questioned and destroyed for speaking out. Those who have been forced or intimidated to remain quiet may actually be the ones we NEED to be listening to…

SO MANY people have died mysteriously or committed suicide or even been assassinated over the years when they have opposed the system. It is certainly ONE way to do things.


While owns the world? Who are these Ultra Elite that are so powerful and so in control that own governments and have it ALL while SO MANY SUFFER?

After watching this, I wrote a letter from the perspective of one of the Elite, to the “normal,” general population:


It’s too late.  There is NOTHING you can do. Sure-there may be BILLIONS of you, but we have strategically implemented our plans for world domination for DECADES.  We own the banks that fund the governments of the world, the armies that enforce the laws that serve our agenda, the police that punish you for not doing EXACTLY as we please, the media that constantly and repetitiously programs you to believe whatever we want you to, and we thank you for working so hard and paying for it ALL, for the illusion of safety and wealth that we decided to allow you to temporarily enjoy to keep you placated, temporarily satisfied, and weak, slumbering and busy surviving and slaving away to make a fraction of what you deserved as we enjoyed the fruits of your labors.  Yes, we are smarter than you, and yes, we are stronger and better than you, IN EVERY WAY.  As you continue to destroy yourselves and one another, we will watch, entertained and safe in our towers and behind bullet-proof glass, as you burn down the world we no longer need in order to begin anew and start The NEW WORLD ORDER, living a life of abundance, luxury,  and wealth that you could never even imagine.  You pitiful creatures, drugged by our poisons we secretly put into your foods and water supply to make you ill so that we could sell you the idea of “being cured,” only to give you a temporary fix to make you dependent upon the “cure,” which causes more problems from which we AND ONLY WE can save you.  To you who we have rendered hopeless by the fear we have mass-produced for you-best wishes to you as you struggle to survive while we flourish!  The anxiety and depression and mental illness MOST of you now suffer through was EASY foe us to create as you continuously bought into our EVERY LIE that you needed to DO more to BE more, and as we have confused and distracted you ALL from your true nature.  From your BIRTH we have sold you lies to ensure generation of OUR offspring would continue on, and YOU BOUGHT THEM ALL.  FOOLS!  WE CONTROL EVERYTHING, and we have for a century.  We know of the wisdom behind the conquering truth of DIVIDE AND CONQUER.  We have eloquently created a social system that consistently and progressively divides you by feeding you more of your extremes, and now you will NEVER become capable of the unity that would be required to taking back all that we have taken from you.  We couldn’t take your guns, but we soon will.  We eliminated your ability to buy ammunition, while we have amassed TRILLIONS of rounds-ALL of which YOU paid for, as your taxes that are taxed have been funneled into amendments within bills too complicated and boring for your inadequate minds to have the desire to EVER research, then we laundered it magically through wars and many countries, out of sight, out of mind, and right under your noses-MANY TIMES AS YOU HELPED US, simply following orders and doing your jobs.  WE HAVE PAID YOU A PITTANCE, but now the time has come to squeeze you completely dry and watch as you suffer to survive and kill one another off to do so.  IMBECILES!  We have over-inundated you for YEARS, simply hiding the truths in plain sight, then discrediting those who find it and try to share it, and eliminate whom ever we deem as a threat, all in the best interest of “the good of the country,” LEGALLY, so that NO ONE will EVER be able to prosecute us.  EVERYTHING in EVERY society has been created exactly as we have wanted it to be, in order to further our plans, as you have scrambled and fought over the scraps we throw you dogs from our tables.  How incredibly entertaining it has truly been to observe you, the lesser class, busy yourselves in your own, pitiful creations, racing for contentment and satisfaction, only to have it all taken away so easily by us from laws we programmed you to enact, by politicians we programmed you to elect, spending money we print to buy products we create to fill the voids we programmed you from birth to believed would be filled with their purchase.  We murder, we rape, we consume what you could never imagine to remain younger and healthier-NONE of which will ever be available to the likes of YOU lot.  We do whatever we want, whenever we want, to whom ever we want, AND THERE IS NOTHING YOU CAN DO ABOUT IT.  You tolerate EVERYTHING we do to you, making you to believe that the people you elect will save you, while all the while it is ONLY the people WE want in office that are allowed inside.  YOUR SILENCE IS OUR PERMISSION, and you have given us more permission that we would ever require to do ANYTHING.  As we mass-produce fear-inducing lies that you are habituated to believe, all hope is lost.  There will soon come a day when you will do exactly as you are told, OR YOU WILL STARVE TO DEATH.  We own ALL the resources to produce food.  We own ALL water rights,  we own ALL sources of energy-and we have made laws so that NO ONE will ever be able to take these things from us.  You will join forces with us simply to survive, and will kill ALL who will not comply and obey, even your own neighbors, friends, and family.  Small factions will arise and we will destroy them from afar, with the same technology they helped build with their own hands.

We win. You lose.

It is a bit dark. I was in a dark place. Two days after this, the company I work for, Boeing, who is owned my Blackrock, required us to comply to mandatory vaccines or lose our jobs.

Many of our friends walked away. At this age with health problems and the need for insurance in order to afford necessary procedures to alleviate physical pain induced by working myself almost to death for a system hell-bent on taking all they could from me and my loved ones, all along the way, I decided to do what I didn’t want to, and what I don’t at all agree with, and I got vaccinated. I did it for my loved ones, knowing if I didn’t, it was highly likely I would lose my job, along with the ability to pay for our home, our car, food, comforts, etc.

We were just offered more than DOUBLE the normal asking price for our home. Why? Why would Zillow want our house that badly, and where would they expect us to go? Rent has doubled this last year. Homes are impossibly outrageous to buy and the interest rates have never been lower, which means anyone buying a hone now will NECER be able to refinance, most likely losing their homes. I found out that two of the major investors for Zillow are Blackrock and Vanguard. Interesting. These are two of the companies that are owned by the Ultra Elite . Why are they buying up ALL the homes here in Arizona?

The world is running out of options. We need to unite. IT IS NEVER TOO LATE. There are LIMITLESS options. There are MANY brilliant minds that have solutions to EVERY current problem.

We need to come together and begin the work required to co-create something more optimal for EVERYONE, before it really IS too late.


What is stress REALLY doing to our societies, our cities, our countries, and to the inhabitants of this world?  Because of the over-abundance of information, we now have unlimited, unfettered access to, we know that stress negatively affects our immune systems.  CONTINUOUS stress, experienced for months or years, COMPLETELY DESTROYS IT, leaving us totally vulnerable to EVERY disease, and even MORE susceptible to the effects of a diet that may not me most optimal in its nutritional content.

The medical field knows this.  EVERYONE now knows this. 

When they shut down EVERYTHING, except for the largest, wealthiest providers of food, did you question it?  Did you wonder why even GYMS were closed, the place that some of the healthiest bodies go on a regular basis to STAY healthy?  We watched with sadness as the prices of food raised up, minimum wage was raised, and in order for “fast-food” establishments to stay in business, some of them had to TRIPLE their prices.  So many of the smaller, “mom-and-pop” placed folded or went under because they COULDN’T survive.  Anyone who tried to stay open received fines, incurred legal fees, and were FORCED to close, some of them actually having the doors to their businesses they refused to close CHAINED with the presence of armed police. 

OUR SILENCE IS THEIR PERMISSION.  Our comforts have caused us to become complacent and complicit.  WE are the problem.  We get more of what we tolerate AND WE DESERVE MORE OF WHAT WE ALLOW.

We were all told and programmed repeatedly through “day-time” programming in disguise as NEWS to stay indoors and to stay away from people for our own well-being, yet Wal Mart remained opened for business.  So did companies that are owned by the government’s Department of Defense.  We were lucky to keep working, while SO MANY of our friends and family members lost their jobs, their vehicles, their homes, and their lifestyles.  The housing market rose to IMPOSSIBLE prices for most people to compete with or participate in, and interest rates dropped, so that the banking system will soon be able to raise the interest rates back up and continue to amass all of the properties and lands that are no longer able to be paid for.

The most interesting thing to watch was how content-providers, podcasters, and people of influence who OPPOSED the GREATER GOOD OF THE COLLECTIVE FEW, in an effort to inspire and educate everyone possible for the GREATER GOOD OF THE COLLECTIVE WHOLE have been shut down, crucified on social media and the news, and made to look stupid-and most of these individuals of such great influence are BRILLIANT!  Joe Rogan and Nicki Manaj are a few examples that come to mind, this 17th day of September, 2021.

Gaslighting has become a common practice, used by ALL who have opposing views, and freedoms are slowly, consistently being taken away as mandates are put into place and we are faced with IMMINENT SUFFERING if we do not comply and conform.

PAY ATTENTION to those influencers that are most persecuted and condemned by the media!  It is highly likely that THOSE are the messages we need to be hearing the most.

The presence of FEAR is a requirement in order to control the masses.  FEAR is a result of SUFFERING, be it IMAGINED SUFFERING or ACTUAL SUFFERING.

What can we do?  One great piece of advice I have heard is to STOP TERRORIZING YOURSELF WITH YOUR THOUGHTS!  How?  There are MANY practices we can research, learn about, implement, and enjoy the results of.  WE are the composers of our own, personal INNER harmony, yet we are CONSTANTLY bombarded by the media, being programmed to experience STRESS through PERCIEVED FEAR. 

One of the greatest successes of this life will be experienced by us as individuals as soon as we begin to practice PEACE and HARMONY WITHIN, amidst this world of turmoil and chaos.

Ever heard of Victor Frankl?  He somehow survived the Nazi concentration camps then later wrote a book containing his detailed story called, MAN’S SEARCH FOR MEANING.  Within this book are MANY tools and ideas to experiment with that lead to successfully navigating EXTREME trauma and stress.

I wish you well in your life journey.  I hope you choose to pay attention to what is going on, and NOT be like I have been for my ENTIRE LIFE-lulled into complacency in the absence of suffering, in a world where MOST of the inhabitants have suffered for decades and centuries.

What happens when OUR power is shut off?  What happens when OUR water stops running?  What happens when OUR rights are taken away, LEGALLY, by laws put into place that we don’t even know about so that the government can use the police and military force to ensure they get their way?  They were unable to take away our guns, so they bought and closed all the manufacturing plants that made bullets, while they amassed MILLIONS of hollow-point rounds for themselves. 

It is now easy to begin connecting the dots and following a trail that leads to the top, where all of the wealth and abundance resides and has been compiling and amassing for the ELITE FEW.  Where does that leave the rest of us?

STRESSED, SICK, DISPLACED, SUFFERING, HUNGRY, THIRSTY, HOPELESS, SUICIDAL, DEPRESSED, ANXIOUS, and DYING BY THE MILLIONS, just like they have been in India and other parts of the world these last few years.  We may live longer here in America since we have more resources, but suffering is coming, and we have but little time left to prepare-both INTERNALLY and EXTERNALLY.

It is those of us who habitually and repeatedly practice AND UPGRADE our emotional intelligence, critical thinking skills, and purposeful non-conformance and individuality that will be okay, for the simple reason that our immune systems will outlast the immune systems of others who are constantly allowing themselves to remain is a state of stress.


A few INCREDIBLE podcasts on YouTube that share useful, truthful information that empower listeners to improve health are:









I never knew the value in being alone, until I intentionally committed to a time spent completely alone, in no commitment or relationship.  I thought I would unravel, but what I discovered changed EVERYTHING.  There is magic to be found within moments of quiet solitude.

A person that is not dependent upon anyone else for love, validation, acceptance, or appreciation is one of the most attractive individuals alive.To stay in a damaging relationship because we fear loneliness may be an indicator that we NEED to be alone, and do the work to peel back the layers and FIND or REDISCOVER OURSELVES.

There is nothing wrong with being alone.  There is nothing wrong with taking time out to rediscover or remember what WE need to be fulfilled, while, and complete, WITHOUT another person telling us what THEY think that is.

There is no stronger individual than the one that can stand alone amidst the judgements, criticisms, expectations, wishes, and desires of others and remember who they are and what THEY are all about.
TRUE beauty comes from uniqueness in expression, not conformity and compliance.

The keys to love, wholeness, and completeness cannot be found in the hands of OTHERS.  These keys reside within US, as individuals.  Once we realize this, and do the inner work to be whole and complete within OURSELVES, we may continue to seek all we think we need from OTHERS, and this can be a dangerous, habitual practice.

EVERYTHING we truly need is already within us all.
Reminder to self:  YOU’VE GOT THIS!  No matter WHAT comes, everything will unfold EXACTLY as it needs to for the greater good of the collective whole.  Keep going.  Keep doing what you are doing.

To begin creating momentum in the direction of everything we DO want, it is necessary for us to first slow down the momentum of all we are thinking, speaking, and doing that contributes to the momentum of all that we DO NOT want, so that we can reverse the direction of our creations.

It is INCREDIBLY helpful to practice getting over disappointments of the past by focusing upon our hopes, wishes, and dreams of the future we MOST desire.

It is AMAZINGLY useful to get over the anger that we feed within us each time we re-live a moment of our history that caused us anger by focusing on LOVE. Loving actions extinguish rage. The less angry we are, the more love we are. Identifying AS LOVE is NEVER a step in the wrong direction.

THRIVE-What will it take for ALL of us to THRIVE?

THRIVE – What on earth will it take for ALL of us to truly THRIVE?

Please watch this short video before reading this:


Each day is a BATTLE!  I am CONSTANTLY bombarded by things brought into my life experience that tempt me to react in anger, bitterness, contempt, stress, anxiety, depression, and hopelessness.  With all of the chaos that is present in the world, and with how easily it is accessed, viewed, shared, and tries to program us in certain ways to energize itself, it is a PERFECT OPPORTUNITY to practice remaining at peace and contentedness within, to identify AS love, and to habitually create an inner environment that manifests into reality within the physical realm we all operate within while in these human bodies.

As many of you may know, I have taken advantage of the opportunity as a factory worker to listen to eight to ten hours of content EVERY DAY while I work.  I am VERY intentional and decisive about ALL of the content I choose to allow to listen to and reverberate within my mind, and this practice has quickly replaced the ITTY-BITTY SHITTY COMMITTEE that once ruled my every thought and recreation, both INNER and OUTER. 

Because of this one habit, the results of the consistent upgrades I have chosen have resulted in a constant up-leveling of my awareness, knowledge, beliefs, perspectives, and habits.  This constant up-leveling has consistently led to upgraded LIFE EXPERIENCES, which have been INCREDIBLY beautiful and enjoyable for not only ME but EVERYONE that I am around. 

THIS IS AVAILABLE TO ANYONE.  At first, it is difficult.  As traction is acquired, and as momentum is gained, it gets easier and easier to do ANYTHING.  What is it YOU want and desire after the most?  For me, it is the consistently up-leveling and upgrading of certain aspects and areas of my life, and so I make sure to ONLY focus on content, quotes, perspectives, conversations, places, people, circumstances, and situations that serves THAT purpose.  With these acquired upgrades in skills, knowledge, and practices that I choose to play with, experiment with, implement, and then only keep the most USEFUL and EFFECTIVE of them, I share as many empowering, hopeful messages and bits of content with everyone I possibly can through social media, hoping that the momentum of the ripple effects, the domino effect, and the constant snowflakes of positivity will cause an AVALANCHE that is repeated and shared amongst the masses, resulting in a COLLECTIVE upgrade in EVERY aspect of life, thereby allowing consciousness, ITSELF, to continue to inform itself, and learn and grow and upgrade through each and every one of us, FOREVER.

As I am constantly bombarded with things throughout each moment of every day to compete for my energy, attention, focus, and time, I find myself CONSTANTLY needing to remind myself of this hopeful and empowering belief:

ALL things are being unfolded in the perfect way and in the perfect moment in time for the greater good of the collective whole.  ALL THINGS.

This habitual practice of reviewing this belief many times throughout the day reminds me of WHAT I am, as I continue to practice constantly upgrading the WHO I identify as while in this body.  It is a USEFUL TOOL to bring my attention, time, focus, and energy to what I DO want to pay attention to, attract, create and manifest within my personal reality in this physical/virtual realm, leaving me with ZERO time, attention, focus, and energy to attract, create and manifest what OTHERS want me to FOR THEIR BENEFIT AND THEIR BENEFIT ALONE.  In this one way, I believe it is possible for ALL of us to create a more beautiful, enjoyable, and beneficial world for ALL people and things to enjoy, rather than ONLY creating and manifesting abundance, beauty, and enjoyment for the FEW, that truly already have it ALL.

I watched a documentary called, THRIVE – What in the world will it take.  CURRENTLY, it is FREE on YouTube.  I hope it doesn’t get taken down.  It accurately and truthfully outlined some factual evidence, ALL of which is backed by eight years of research and documents-sources of which are available on the website of the creators of the informative and awakening documentary.  I invite you to take the time to watch it, even if you are not interested at first, to the very end, to be more well-informed of what is TRULY going on in the world today.  Are there conspiracy theories contained in the show?  Yes.  Did a few of the things reviewed sort of turn me off?  Yes.  I AM, however, INCREDIBLY GRATEFUL that I watched it to the end to see possible solutions presented.  It was not easy to get through, but by the end of the show, I was HOPEFUL again, after a day of being bombarded by hopeless information and outlooks.

Here is a current link to the documentary:

Thankfully this documentary was created in 2011, and we can see NOW MORE THAN EVER, all the truth that was contained in it THEN, at THAT time, as we connect the dots through our collective past to this present moment and realize the possibility and the plausibility and accuracy of it all. 

By now, we ALL know that there are a few groups of people in the world that control ALL of the energy, food, and other NECESSARY resources for our survival.  The problem we now face isn’t our governments, each other, or even the extremely hard-working and wealthy.  Our CURRENT crisis is the fact that the BANKERS own EVERYTHING.  It is the ULTRA wealthy and TRULY elite families and individuals that have designed a system of complicated and intricate laws, rules, mandates, and practices programmed into our minds from a very young age, to ONLY BENEFIT THEM THE VERY MOST. 

In this world today, there are FAR too many people starving to death, committing suicide, living hopeless lives, and killing one another for the necessities of life.  It is an INCREDIBLY disheartening and sad situation for ALL of us to observe, but MOST of all for those of us who still enjoy the necessities of life, causing complacency and non-action within us all, as each of us suffers from Survivor’s Guilt and observes the death, mayhem, and destruction of SO MANY of our brothers and sisters.  The world is currently in a PITIFUL state, and rather than run and hide, remain hopeless and fearful, and emit THOSE energies and vibrations that instantaneously contribute to the DETRIMENT of the collective whole, THERE ARE THINGS WE CAN ALL DO to slow that momentum, stop this train of destruction, and reverse direction, TOGETHER. 


Check out the documentary, and I hope you choose to watch it to the VERY END, where ACTUAL SOLUTIONS ARE SHARED THAT WE CAN ALL PARTICIPATE IN.


I may well BE too late.  As individuals, there is SO much we can do on a daily basis that CAN and WILL slow this train of destruction.  INNER PEACE and what we choose to habitually focus upon will alter and up-level the energy at which we operate, empowering us to think more critically and clearly, allowing us to make progressively BETTER choices in what we consume and do throughout each day, and WE WILL UPGRADE AS A COLLECTIVE WHOLE.  Meditation, breathing practices, writing, connecting with others, yoga, prayer, gratitude lists, walks, exercise, nutrition, and MANY other personal practices can be used to up-level our OWN vibrations.  I HIGHLY RECOMMEND CREATING A DAILY PRACTICE FOR YOURSELF AS SOON AS POSSIBLE that will empower you to navigate the turmoil and chaos of this world we are currently living in.  GO WITHIN and LEARN TO BE AT PEACE.  Learn practices that will ONLY result in your contentment and happiness, NO MATTER WHAT is going on in the outside world.

When we DO THESE THINGS TOGETHER, the energies and vibrations are MAGNIFICENTLY enhanced, grow exponentially and forever, and TOGETHER we can create a better world for EVERYONE, and not just ourselves.

What will you do if the city you live in is shut down yet again, only this time they take away the internet, phone usage, electricity, food, water, and the freedom to go outside into nature or to a gym?

DO WHAT IS BEST FOR YOU AND YOUR LOVED ONES.  Get as prepared as you possibly can-ESPECIALLY WITHIN.  While the world is burning down around us, can you remain stable, hopeful, content, happy, and in a place of UNCONDITIONAL LOVE within?  I suggest that it is possible that we will soon find out, and there is NO TIME LIKE THE PRESENT to prepare.

I wrote this last week, after learning I might lose my job and battling feelings of hopelessness, depression, uselessness to the contribution of my personal household and the people I love, and after feeling anger, bitterness, and contempt about the leaders and the system which I have been a contributing member of for MY ENTIRE LIFE.  I knew that if I didn’t share LOVE with everyone, this anger, rage, darkness, and bitterness would take over, and I knew that I didn’t want to operate and create from such a dangerous place.  I hope you share these words with everyone you know so that TOGETHER, we can create and enjoy a FAR more beautiful and amazing reality FILLED WITH LOVE AND ABUNDANCE FOR EVERYONE:

If it is true that consciousness informs itself through its creations, and if it is true that our actual identity IS consciousness, and that we create with every thought, word, and action, then isn’t it a BRILLIANT plan for consciousness to have inserted itself into TRILLIONS of “separate” physical entities and lives within a virtual, physical construct in order to experience life through TRILLIONS of different perspectives, SIMULTANEOUSLY? 

How important is it, then, to be completely authentic, different, and unique?  From this perspective, being a follower of any ONE belief, group, way of thinking, or choosing to conform in ANY way would be INCREDIBLY counter-productive.  As consciousness, temporarily inhabiting a human body to have a human experience, I think it is useful to remember to BE A UNIQUE and ORIGINAL INDIVIDUAL, and to be unapologetic, unashamed, and proud of our differences.

BE HAPPY BEING YOU.  Be the best you that you can be.  Always be upgrading.  Always be learning and practicing what you learn.  Choose to experiment with as many different ways of being that interest you or that you are attracted to.  EXPERIENCE as MANY situations, circumstances, people, things, and lives as you possibly can, within this one lifetime. 

Maybe the secret to quickening the limitless expansion of the collective whole isn’t conformity to only ONE way of being and thinking, and convincing others to strive to be just like us, but rather in EMBRACING OUR DIFFERENCES, and in allowing, accepting, appreciating, and loving UNCONDITIONALLY, ALL THAT IS, AS IT IS.

Much love and peace to you on YOUR own personal, unique, authentic life journey.  Keep going.  Keep doing what you are doing.  You are AMAZING.  You are PERFECT, JUST AS YOU ARE, and while you don’t need to change a thing to be worthy of love, while in this human body you can choose to get EVEN BETTER.  Accept yourself.  Appreciate yourself.  Love yourself.  Remember WHAT you are, as you continue to work on upgrading the WHO you IDENTIFY AS, while in this human form.

I LOVE YOU.  That may sound strange, and we may not know one another in human form, but if someone can HATE another for no reason at all, I am certainly entitled to LOVE another for no reason at all, other than the fact that it is possible that I AM you, and YOU are ME, in our truest form, as CONSCIOUSNESS, simply temporarily infused into separate physical bodies for a short while, soon to be reunited in love and light.

PEACE and COMFORT be with you, throughout the entirety of your life journey.

-Pete Jones



This is a personal message to you from a future love-THE ONE that you most desire to be with-YOUR DREAM person:

I am here waiting, in love.  I am so excited to be with you, spend time with you, snuggle with you, have experiences of life with you, and to co-create a reality so beautiful that you can not now even imagine it. 

I am not in a hurry for this to happen, as I know that all things happen at the perfect time.

It is not my job to validate you. It’s not my job to appreciate you. It is not my job to accept you. It never WILL be, though I will do these things with you naturally and easily while we are together. For now, learn to do these things for YOURSELF.

Your only responsibility RIGHT NOW is to prepare yourself to be with me, just as I am preparing myself to be with you.  It is your calling to upgrade, improve, up-level, learn, study, and practice ALL things that will empower you to transform from a victim to a Victor, from a caterpillar to a beautiful butterfly, from your current state to the limitlessly expanding version of yourself that I will align with when the time is right. 


I will see you soon…



If it is true that consciousness informs itself through its creations, and if it is true that our actual identity IS consciousness, and that we create with every thought, word, and action, then isn’t it a BRILLIANT plan for consciousness to have inserted itself into TRILLIONS of “separate” physical entities and lives within a virtual, physical construct in order to experience life through TRILLIONS of different perspectives, SIMULTANEOUSLY? 

How important is it, then, to be completely authentic, different, and unique?  From this perspective, being a follower of any ONE belief, group, way of thinking, or choosing to conform in ANY way would be INCREDIBLY counter-productive.  As consciousness, temporarily inhabiting a human body to have a human experience, I think it is useful to remember to BE A UNIQUE and ORIGINAL INDIVIDUAL, and to be unapologetic, unashamed, and proud of our differences.

BE HAPPY BEING YOU.  Be the best you that you can be.  Always be upgrading.  Always be learning and practicing what you learn.  Choose to experiment with as many different ways of being that interest you or that you are attracted to.  EXPERIENCE as MANY situations, circumstances, people, things, and lives as you possibly can, within this one lifetime. 

Maybe the secret to quickening the limitless expansion of the collective whole isn’t conformity to only ONE way of being and thinking, and convincing others to strive to be just like us, but rather in EMBRACING OUR DIFFERENCES, and in allowing, accepting, appreciating, and loving UNCONDITIONALLY, ALL THAT IS, AS IT IS.

Much love and peace to you on YOUR own personal, unique, authentic life journey.  Keep going.  Keep doing what you are doing.  You are AMAZING.  You are PERFECT, JUST AS YOU ARE, and while you don’t need to change a thing to be worthy of love, while in this human body you can choose to get EVEN BETTER.  Accept yourself.  Appreciate yourself.  Love yourself.  Remember WHAT you are, as you continue to work on upgrading the WHO you IDENTIFY AS, while in this human form.

I LOVE YOU.  That may sound strange, and we may not know one another in human form, but if someone can HATE another for no reason at all, I am certainly entitle to LOVE another for no reason at all, other than the fact that it is possible that I AM you, and YOU are ME, in our truest form, as CONSCIOUSNESS, simply temporarily infused into separate physical bodies for a short while, soon to be reunited in love and light.

PEACE and COMFORT be with you, throughout the entirety of your life journey.

-Pete Jones

Reprogramming the Subconscious Mindset

WE ARE THE PROGRAMMERS! WE are 100% responsible for the outcomes in our lives through HOW WE CHOOSE TO INTERACT with ALL people, information, circumstances, situations, and experiences we are bombarded with in each and every moment of this beautiful human experience.

When we intentionally UPGRADE the ways in which we see OURSELVES, others, and the world in general, we automatically upgrade the results of our life experiences and the enjoyment of it all.

Come check out the goodinthehead website at and explore the decades of research and years of work that this labor of love has become. EVERYONE has SOMETHING to teach us if we are open to learning about new things, and it is by learning new things that we have new experiences.


Bruce Lipton teaches how we can rewrite the programs within our subconscious, which is responsible for 95% of our actions throughout each day. When we rewrite the programs within the subconscious mind, we begin operating and creating from these new programs, rather than from the old, ineffective, sometimes destructive programs we have been creating our lives by, so far…